Posted to FaceBook Feb. 13
Here's another thought about the first ingredient in LOP -- beliefs. One morning this past weekend I banged up against my belief that "sleeping in, on my days working at home, is what makes great days working at home." The way I banged up against it is I didn't sleep in past the time I get up when I am working outside of my home. Not fulfilling that belief created a rocky, not so connected start to my day.
This is similar to the, "I need seven hours of sleep each night" belief. These feel great unless I don't fulfil them, and then I can feel quite frustrated. These beliefs can be nice guidelines for my life, however, when I have beliefs that dictate my life, and I don't fulfil them, they end up being more of a disconnecting than a connecting with who I really am (WIRA) experience -- and that's not great support.
So, when I bang up against one of these beliefs, I can either change, rearrange, force my life to fulfil the belief, or I can change the belief. For instance, at first I tried to go back to sleep so I could fulfil my "sleeping in on days at home is how I create a great day at home" belief. That didn't work. I then tried reading, thinking I would for sure drift off back to sleep . . . an hour later, still reading. I get up, yes I am frustrated at this point, because now I am not going to have a great day at home. Then I thought, "if I am awake and I didn't fall back asleep after an hour of reading, it must be because, for now, I am done sleeping." That made so much more sense, and it felt better. I cannot say that it is now my belief (the thought I automatically think over and over again), but it was a step in the right direction.
With the busier schedule I have had the last month, I have banged up against a few beliefs that do not support a busier schedule, like: I need "X" amount of quiet time to remain connected with WIRA; I only have a certain amount of energy to spend each day; I have to limit certain things in my life to remain connected with WIRA; and inspiration/listening to WIRA can only happen in the quiet moments.
Yes, all of these thoughts and beliefs may have been an integral part for me learning how to LOP, and be connected with WIRA, and yes they are fine guidelines. However, if I am really LOP in each moment, if I am listening to my guidance, if I am focusing on that which is before me and completely present in that moment, and I am not getting caught up in the exhausting resistance of unfulfilled beliefs, I will be remembering and believing and expressing WIRA -- with, or without, fulfilling a certain belief.
But of course, that's only my belief.
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