Tuesday 20 March 2012

Be the Change

Posted to FaceBook Mar. 22
Lady Gaga has launched the "Born this Way" Foundation, which is about supporting children/youth in being who they really are.  A main focus with this topic is bullying, and it is important to Lady Gaga because she was bullied as a child.  She has some unique thoughts about bullying, like it's not something you can legislate, and both 'victim' and bully need to be considered when resolving the issue.

This got me to thinking about bullying and what it is helping us to understand.  Gandhi taught us that we want to "be the change we want to see" and maybe bullying could actually be helping us become the change we want to see. 
Maybe kids bullying each other is just a mirror being held up for us adults to see ourselves more clearly.
Maybe if we really want to get kids to be more accepting and nicer to each other, we as adults need to be that change. 
Maybe, if we want bullying to stop, we want to stop bullying in all its forms. 
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we need to stop warring with other people.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying the Democrats and Republicans need to stop defiling each other.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to stop threatening people with incarceration.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to stop making kids learn what we want them to learn.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want less laws and rules, not more.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to stop criticizing each other.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to quit forcing each other to be who we are not.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to stop judging ourselves as less than others.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to start seeing the value each one of us has.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to start believing in ourselves.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to become so clear about who we really are it won't matter what others think or say about us.
Maybe if we really want to stop bullying we want to share who we really are with the rest of the world, so they too can feel free to be who they really are.

Oh wait . . . maybe that's what Lady Gaga is doing?

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