Thursday 29 March 2012

But Aren't I Suppose to Struggle?

Posted to FaceBook Mar. 29th
I know it can seem counter-intuitive, but being at peace with what I don't want is not asking for, allowing more of, or being resigned to a life of what I don't want.  Finding my place of peace is creating peace.  We can be so ingrained with the beliefs of hard work, no gain without pain, or the need to be busy, that not struggling against what we don't want can feel like we are permitting more of it.

Being at peace is about not giving up my joy/connection with who I really am/well-being, for any reason.  Being at peace is about staying in alignment with what I do want, so that I am able to recognize my answers and opportunities when they are in front of me.  Being at peace is about taking care of this moment, the only one I ever truly have, and filling it with who I really am.  Being at peace is the road to what I do want.

If I believe I need to struggle to find peace, I will choose the options of struggle, over my happiness, every time, and I will end up down the road of life asking why the happiness never came.  But if I am able to find peace with that work situation, or the relationship, or the financial situation, or my health, or my career, I end up down the road of life saying, "Gee, it seems to have been one peaceful moment after another," and that's because it was.

LOP is a place of peace.

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