Monday 2 April 2012

There's a Whole Lot o' Energy Goin' On

Posted to facebook Apr. 2nd
The "E=MC2" book that I am reading right now, got me curious as to how much energy I am.  So, I thought it would be fun (with the help of my husband) to figure it out .  (I know, I know, fun is in the eye of the beholder.)

So here is what I am understanding.  If we pour/pump energy into mass, at a rate faster than the speed of light, that energy turns into mass.  That means we can also take a unit of mass and figure out how much energy it would have, if we knew how to purely convert it into energy.  (The atomic bomb is an example of us knowing how to purely convert mass into energy.)

I am, based on my crude mathematics, 1,580,128,000,000,000,000 units of energy. 

Look around you.  Imagine the amount of energy that surrounds you right now.  There's a whole lot of energy going on.

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