Saturday 7 April 2012


Posted to Facebook Apr. 7th.
We are all probably familiar with secrets being those things that we deliberately and consciously do not share with certain individuals.  But how about those things that we habitually and unconsciously do not share with certain individuals?

I have came to a place of peace in regards to not needing to assert/share my understanding about LOP with those in the world that are not interested.  I adopted a "answer only when asked" philosophy, and it became apparent that many were not really interested, because they were not asking.  Not 'bothering' to share became habitual -- big parts of my life were kept behind closed doors, not under lock and key, but only because many were not asking for them to be opened.  Is this a secret?  Is this LOP?

I am now realizing there is a fine line between "answer only when asked," and keeping secrets.  There is a fine line between not asserting ones beliefs, and still being who we really are (WWRA).  There is a fine line between being quiet because one is so use to not being asked who they really are, and becoming comfortable with hiding in the safety of not sharing who we really are.

LOP is not hiding, or secrets, or holding back in fear of judgement.  Nor is it trying to convince, or justify to, or be accepted by, those who see things differently.  LOP is expressing WIRA, from an essence of appreciation, unconditional acceptance, belief and trust in myself, and trust that others can handle it.

LOP is sharing and expressing WIRA, because there is no benefit to keeping my genius self a secret.

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