Wednesday 7 March 2012

No Help Thank You

We are taught that 'good' people help people, and I would agree that someone LOP naturally helps/inspires others.  However, sometimes what we call 'help' may actually be more like 'rescue'.  We see someone headed for what we judge as a not so good outcome and we try to avert it so that they can feel better (and quiet often so that we can feel better).  And so my question is, might we be robbing this person of an opportunity to succeed?

I heard James Cameron, creator of the movies 'Titanic' and 'Avatar', say that he is thankful he was not helped, not given a hand up (I think he was referrring to when he was a kid and a young adult).  He could see how not being helped had made him rely on himself, had forced him to believe in himself, had given him the opportunities to try on his own and experience successes.

Maybe having the opportunity to figure something out can lead to me feeling good about me.  Maybe me feeling good about me can lead to believing in myself more.  Maybe believing in myself more gives me the confidence to trust who I really am (WIRA).  Maybe trusting in WIRA helps me hear the unique expression of me.  Maybe the unique expression of me is what I have to contribute to the world.  Maybe what I have to contribute to the world is me being successful.

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