Sunday 26 February 2012

Turning a Downward Spiral into an Upward One

Here are some questions that you could try when you catch yourself on a downward sprial.

We all want to feel good and right now I do not feel good.  What's bothering me?
(My boss has implied I am not doing a good enough job.)

What am I believing about what's bothering me?
(That I am not good enough.  I do not have value.  I might loose my job.  I don't know what I am doing.)

What is the Truth that 'Who I Really Am' knows about what is bothering me?
(My value and good 'enoughness' is never in question.  If this job disappears it is because I am ready for a different one.  Having questions and not knowing all the answers is the juice of life.  Nothing is going wrong here.  Who I Really am is really wanting to get my attention.)

Which do I choose to believe?
(That is up to me.)

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