Thursday 7 February 2013

An "Untethered Soul" Discussion

As some of you know, a book I have really enjoyed this past year is "The Untethered Soul" by Michael A. Singer.  I have read through it a few times now and have been feeling like I am want to continue to digest it, but perhaps now in a new way.  I had invited anyone who was interested, to join in on a discussion group, however, that timing did not seem to work for people. 

So, I am inspired to move forward with thoughts, questions, and potential discussion via blog and Facebook.  Every once in a while I will post my thoughts and questions and highlights from one of the five parts of the book and you are welcome to join in if you are inspired.

My focus for the discussion is to:
-- take what we have heard Michael's words saying to us and evolve, digest, and practice them in our own lives;
-- help us remember who we really are;
-- build faith in who we know we really are;
-- find ways of expressing who we really are;
-- benefit from the momentum of co-creation; and
-- have fun

With Appreciation (for today's technology) and Anticipation (of digging into those pages once again),

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