Thursday 14 February 2013

An "Untethered Soul" Discussion -- Introduction

Posted to Facebook February 14th.
"This above all: to thine own self be true. . ."  William Shakespeare

Michael asks the question on page two, "Are the many aspects of my being all equally part of my 'self,' or is there only one of me -- and if so, which, where, how, and why?"

My answer:  I believe there is one authentic me; that's what I refer to as 'who I really am' (WIRA).  As a child I can remember specific instances when I said to myself, "I just want to be me."  It was a gut feeling that there was a ME I was wanting to be, and I knew I wasn't.  But I didn't really know who that ME was, or how to be it.  In addition, I didn't seem to be able to catch or recognize when I wasn't being ME.  And, at that time, I never even considered the question of who it was that knew there was a difference between me and ME?  I have spent the last forty years looking for answers to those questions and learning how to be ME. 

Over time I have become better at identifying when I am being me (an image I present to others for protection/acceptance), and when I am being ME (WIRA).  Every moment of every day is about being WIRA as best as I know how -- that's what I refer to as LOP.

What has been your experience in regards to Michael's question?

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