Tuesday 7 March 2023

Peak Experiences

I recently stuck my nose back into Abraham Maslow's 'Peak Experience' writings.  I am not going to dictate the wealth of information out there on the subject into this post.  However, I am going to share the reminder that I got from re-reading his work -- he too believed in an upward spiral of life.

Now if living on the upward spiral is not important to you, not a priority, or you have no interest in it, that is all good.  Carry on.  But if something piques your interest about it (i.e. it may feel reassuring, or expanding, or exciting), it could be a whole lot of fun to see where that seed takes you.

I know not many talk about the upward spiral.  Most may not even really get the meaning of it.  But just because it is not normal does not make it any less real, or for me, natural. 

LOP is a life beyond what has probably felt like mediocrity; it is a life with the potential of peak experiences.

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