Tuesday, 7 March 2023


I am going to play around with the idea of appreciating procrastination instead of beating ourselves up about it.  As with all emotions procrastination is another way I am assisting myself to LOP; it is guiding me to more and more of who I really am (WIRA), so it is actually a really good thing.

If I am procrastinating about something it must mean I am on the downward spiral (I am making that assumption because I think most of us use, or relate to that word as something that doesn't feel good).  If I am on the downward spiral it must mean I am believing something about myself that is not true, because I am only on the downward spiral when I am not being (WIRA).  So, procrastination is actually a huge help to us because it is pointing out something I am believing about myself that is holding me back from what I really desire.  I am not procrastinating because I am lazy, or not worthy, or scared, I am procrastinating because I am not yet believing in my desires.  And trying to move forward while not believing in your desires is hard work, it would be easier to try and move a mountain.

So, the real answer when you catch yourself feeling like you are procrastinating, is not to push harder, it is to update whatever belief you are tripping over.  I promise you, as you discover what you are believing about yourself, compared to what is really true about WYRA, the procrastination will melt away and you will either easily move forward with what you were procrastinating about, or you will realize you didn't want to, or need to, be doing it in the first place.

LOP is appreciating procrastination for helping me believe Me.

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