Saturday, 7 January 2012

How ________ Am I?

Posted On FaceBook Jan. 7th
How powerful am I if I need others to be less powerful?
How free am I if I am relying on others to be a certain way for me to be free?
How peaceful am I if I want you to be quiet too?
How secure am I if I am needing 'protection'?
How creative am I if I am doing things how others do?
How loving am I if I am relying on others to be lovable for me to be able to love them?
How ready am I if I find myself waiting for you?
How abundant am I if I am counting on others to share, for me to be rich?
How clear am I if I want others to make a decision, so I can too?
How happy am I if I am needing others to be happy, for me to be happy?
How relaxed am I if I have to complete my 'shoulds' first.
How right am I if I need you to be wrong.
How faith-filled am I if I only believe to the extent of that which I can do?
We are all these things, without waiting one more minute.
Not one person needs to be any different for me to be me, and you to be you.

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