Monday 2 January 2012

LOP Practicing Questions

Posted to FaceBook Jan. 02
1.  Am I interested in practicing LOP in this moment?
2.  Am I willing to be honest about how I am feeling and what I am perceiving/believing in this moment?
3.  How does this perception/belief feel?  Is it on the upwards or downwards spiral?
4.  If it is on the upward spiral how do I want to continue enjoying it in this moment?
5.  If this perception/belief is on the downward spiral, what would be its opposite perception/belief on the upward spiral?  What would be something that feels a little better than where I am, that is moving in the direction of the upward spiral belief? 
6.  What words/actions are most in alignment with that perception/belief?
7.  Am I willing to express this new clarity of WIRA?
8.  What is my now clearist expression of WIRA in this moment?
9.  Do I want to start at #1 again with something new?

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