Friday 30 December 2011

New Year's Honesty

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 30
Well, it is that time of year again when talk of resolutions can spring up.  We all know that the success rates of resolutions are a bit iffy, so maybe we could try something else.  How about honesty?  I think my level of honesty with me has increased as I have increased my ability to LOP.  And I think my ability to LOP has increased as I have increased my level of honesty with me -- they go hand in hand. 

My degree of honesty with me unfolds gradually.  Being honest with me can be the hardest person to be honest with.  There may be things that I am not ready to be honest about yet.  It may be scary to be honest about some things.  It could even feel a bit like a house of cards.  If I tell myself the truth about something important to me, it might seem like I am pulling a card out from the bottom of the pile which would bring the rest of the cards crashing down.

Being honest about what is really important to me can be scary; but it is also relieving.  Being honest about what I truly enjoy could be embarrassing; but it is also so much fun.  Being honest about what I want to focus on in any moment could seem selfish; but it is oh so freeing.  Being honest about whom I want to spend my time with might seem rude; but it is really a gift to us both.  Being honest about what I am not good at could be seen as a weakness; but it actually frees me to be a genius at that which I excel.  Being honest about what inspires and calls me forward might feel unrealistic; but it is the path to my success.

So, perhaps this New Years Eve, take a moment of honesty.  What is really important to you -- honestly?  Where do you really want to be spending your time -- honestly?  When you let go of who you think you should be, who is left -- honestly.  And just know, whatever your answer is, it is enough.

Happy New Year!

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