Monday, 26 December 2011

Celebration and Connection

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 26th
With all the extra fun, and activities, and celebrating, and memories, and changing of routines and schedules over the holiday season, my connection with who I really am (WIRA) can be different as well. 

As I have discovered, pursued, and deepened my practicing of LOP I have created some habits in my life that help support my connection with WIRA.  Holiday seasons, vacations, and travel can interrupt some of those habits that help me remember WIRA -- and that's O.K. too.  As I get better and better at LOP, that connection will be easier to maintain within the experiences of irregularities and changes.

So today I bless this season, and all that it brings,
I take moments that are connecting, by doing certain things.
I be present with who and what is in front of me now,
and I appreciate this opportunity to practice some 'hows'.

I remember the point, the purpose, is not just bling,
I feel the joy and the peace that the songs all sing.
And as I see the joy of the bird who knows not Christmas,
I am reassured that this freedom is forever within us.

Happy Boxing Day!

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