Wednesday 8 August 2012


Posted to Facebook August 9th.
My schedule during the first half of this year was very full so, desiring the essence of ease more than usual right now is understandable. 

I think many of us, me included, when we desire more ease in our lives (less stress), we get busy making that happen.  I find myself doing things like reducing my schedule, trying to complete long 'to-do' lists, trying to control situations and people around me, and putting the brakes on things that feel like they are going too fast. These can all increase the experience of more ease in one's life, but I am not sure that is the easy way of going about creating ease.

When I facilitated stress management programs, we definitely would take a look at what things the participants might want to reduce, remove, or change in their lives, but I would always remind them this is about stress management not stress elimination.  Meaning, what we were really after was increasing our ability to deal with the stress, being O.K. with the stress, using the stress to our advantage, and making it our friend, instead of resisting it.  Resisting stress is stressful.

I know this same concept applies to me now as I focus on increasing the ease in my life.  It is not about me controlling my environment so that it is conducive to, and produces an experience of ease, it is about me being the essence of ease and bringing it to the environment I am in.

That doesn't mean I won't choose the choices with the most ease.  Actually, if I am emanating the essence of ease I will have even more choices of ease available to me.  What it means is I quit trying to create ease from a place of feeling stressed or out of control, because emanating the essence of 'out-of-control' does not help me practice emanating the essence of ease.

LOP is knowing that experiencing ease comes from being really good at the essence of ease.

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