Friday 10 August 2012

Listen to the Essence

Posted to Facebook August 15th
Every sentence, every word we speak, can come from either an upward or downward spiral feeling.  So, LOP is not just about picking nice words, it is about the feeling or 'spirit of intent'* that is behind them.  We are not just listening to each others words we are listening to their essence.

The word 'love' can feel controlling or unconditional.
The word 'vulnerable' can feel weak or open.
The word 'hope' can be filled with worry or belief.
The word 'great' can be full of sarcasm or enthusiasm.
The word 'surrender' can feel like giving up or letting go/forgiving.
The word 'busy' can describe being stressed or focused.
The word 'jealous' can feel resentful or admiring/appreciative.
The words 'time/money/energy' can primarily feel lack-filled or abundant.
The word 'control' can feel suffocating or clear.
The word 'humble' can feel like unworthiness or a quiet strength.
The word 'independant' can feel defiant or able.
The word 'try' can be full of doubt or adventure.
The word 'effort' can be about forcing something to happen or ready to take on a challenge.
The word 'compassion' can feel like pity or believing in who someone really is.
The word 'help' can feel like obligation or fun.
The word 'believe' can feel like doubt or knowing.
The word 'allowing' can feel like being a door mat or like freedom.
The word 'change' can be fuelled by resentment or excitement.
The word 'work' can feel like imprisonment or creative expression.
The name 'God' can feel demanding or accepting.
The word 'genius' can feel like an obligation or a natural unfolding.
LOP can feel like a chore or a breath of fresh air.

*The phrase 'spirit of intent' is taken from Lou Tice's programs at The Pacific Institute.

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