Friday 5 October 2012

LOP is Believing (Part 2)

Posted to Facebook October 6th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The second part, Believing in WIRA, has been about:
-- giving myself the time and space to remember WIRA, because as I remember I naturally believe.
-- ignoring the external voices when I am having challenges hearing Me.
-- remembering to breathe.
-- being picky about the books/movies/people/activities that I participate in.
-- quieting the internal chatter by consciously reminding myself WIRA.
-- having conversations with those who are able to hear and support me in believing in WIRA.
-- participating in morning rituals that help me connect with WIRA (i.e. meditation, journaling, a walk, yoga, reading inspirational material).
-- physical activity/workouts.
-- eating and drinking those things that make it easy to remember WIRA.
-- paying attention to what beliefs/thoughts feel best to me.
-- not pushing myself forward when I know I am not believing in WIRA as strongly as I want (can also refer to this as confidence).
-- letting go of trying to convince anyone of anything.  Me knowing WIRA is enough.
-- listening to the truth of Me that is sometimes buried under some 'shoulds'.
-- surrendering comparisons.
-- playing/laughing/appreciating.
-- finding that feeling of pure knowing.

LOP is believing in WIRA even when there is no physical evidence/confirmation/belief outside of me.

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