Saturday 6 October 2012

LOP is Expressing (Part 3)

Posted to Facebook October 11th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The third part of LOP, Expressing WIRA, has been about listening.
Listening to what I am telling myself.
Listening to what I am wanting to be right about.
Listening to what I know beyond my 'shoulds' and 'have tos'.
Listening to when something doesn't feel good and deliberately making a different choice.
Listening to the little thoughts of inspiration and trusting them.
Listening to the big thoughts of inspiration and trusting them.
Listening to the people and situations that cruise across my path.
Listening when I seem to be getting the same message over and over again.
Listening to what feels good and knowing it is suppose to feel that way.
Listening to what I am inspired to say.
Listening to what I am inspired to do.
Listening to the reminders to stay open.
Listening to what and when I want to eat, wear, watch, read, clean, repair, change, create, or try something.
Listening when it is time to take action, and when it is time to listen.

Listening -- because I have all my answers, if I just listen.

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