Thursday 4 October 2012

LOP is Remembering (Part 1)

Posted to Facebook October 5th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The first part, Remembering WIRA, has been about:
-- recalling the things I use to do, and the ways of being I would naturally be as a child.
-- noticing things I have done my whole life, and perhaps have even told myself that I do too much.
-- paying attention to what topics/books/movies/conversations/hobbies I tend to gravitate towards.
-- watching what I naturally do more of when I am wanting fun or relaxation or peace.
-- recognizing those moments when I am really enjoying life.
-- hearing what others say they appreciate about me or what I did well.
-- acknowledging those things that seemed easy, automatic, or second nature to do.
-- admitting what I was doing the last time I was having a really good time.
-- going my own pace.
-- trusting myself enough to like what like.
-- surrounding myself with what feels good.
-- letting go of the beliefs that I picked up along the way, that I now know are not what I really believe.
-- asking myself, "through what eyes am I seeing others when I am appreciating them most?"
-- allowing the inspirations that exist beyond the motivations of guilt or justification.
-- discovering what I am ready for when I am not busy protecting myself from life.
-- observing those times when I am swept up in a moment of knowing that some way, some how, all is well.

And, remembering WIRA is not so much about what I was doing in all of the above situations, but about who I was being.

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