Thursday 6 December 2012


Posted to Facebook December 10th.
The church I grew up in had many holiday traditions.  One of them was lighting a candle in the advent wreath each Sunday in December.  Each candle represents an essence of Christmas -- Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Here is my LOP Advent:
December 2nd -- HOPE:  not a fear-filled worry about the future, but a belief without evidence of the well-being that abounds.

December 9th -- PEACE:  not everyone behaving in a similar way, but the harmony that our differences working together creates.

December 16th -- JOY:  not a trouble free life, but a life of transcending that which troubles.

December 23rd -- LOVE:  not predicated on you making me feel good, because me, unconditionally loving you, always feels good.

Merry Christmas!

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