Sunday 18 December 2011

A 'Miracle'

A miracle, as defined by Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love is, "a release from internal bondage" (page 71),  through "a shift in perception" (page 9). 

That makes a miracle the releasing of any worry, and fear, and guilt I might carry.  It is the letting go of the losses and mistakes that might have happened.  It would be the laying down of the judgments and criticisms that are oh so heavy. 

That makes a miracle the seeing and honoring of those things I love.  It makes it the chosing of the thoughts and ideas that make my heart sing.  It makes it the looking through the eyes of appreciation at whatever the day may bring.

A miracle is: a release of the things I tell myself that aren't true about me; my change in perception so I see through the eyes of who I really am.

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