Friday 23 December 2011

They Don't Need to be Wrong

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 23
When I am needing someone to be wrong about something is it because I am not feeling confident that I am right?
If I make you wrong about something I don't like, or I don't want to be, or I don't care for, does it make me 'right-er' about what I do like?
Could me, really enjoying something, be enough of a reason for me to like it? 
Is needing someone else to be wrong the long, hard way to give me permission to like what I like?
And when I am pushing against you being wrong, am I really getting the chance to enjoy what I like?
Couldn't I just like what I like, and skip the exhausting part of trying to make you be wrong, if you don't like it too?
If I really believed in what I liked, would it even matter if you believed or liked it too?

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