Tuesday 20 December 2011

An Out of Alignment Ripple

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 20th
Yesterday I started my day out of alignment with who I really am (WIRA).  I felt a bit like I was rushing or pushing into my day.  One of the first things I focused on in the morning was a receipt from the day before, and there was an item on it I did not recognize.  I checked and rechecked the items I had bought and I concluded that a mistake had been made, and I would have to go back to the store.  This (matched) increased my earlier feeling of rush and push by adding another thing I wanted to accomplish during the day.

The woman who assisted me at the store didn't know what the item was either.  She gave me the benefit of the doubt and refunded my money, and away I went on to the next thing to do.  Later, while I was working out (taking some time for me, being more in the now, releasing some push and rush), it dawned on me what the item could have been.  When I checked the receipt, yet again, sure enough, it was apparent that all had been correct in the first place.  To be WIRA, I then made a trip back to the store and refunded the refund.

When I am out of alignment with WIRA, even a bit, I don't have the mind to figure things out, the eyes to see my answers, or the clarity to make good decisions.  And this was just about a small purchase.  Imagine the out of alignment ripples I could create in my life by making decisions about family or friends, careers or finances, health or happiness, or even just a larger purchase, if I am making them out of alignment with WIRA.

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