Saturday 14 January 2012

Let's Have A Chat

Posted to FaceBook Jan. 17th
I have often said to people that I am not a great social chit-chatter.  Not that I can't or won't do it -- I would just really rather have a heart to heart.

There is a lot of conversing that happens in a day that I would consider social chit-chat.  We discuss the weather, or our kids, or the news.  We can talk about other people's lives and what the politicians are doing and our favourite sports team.  We discuss what needs to be done today and how to do it.  These are all well and good, very safe, sometimes beneficial, just 'fine' conversations, that have a place in our lives.  But oh, they just don't measure up, for me, to when I have the opportunity to have a LOP conversation.

When I am willing to be honest, to open up, to share WIRA with someone, and they do the same with me, that is a conversing with depth and fulfilment.  It's not about agreeing, or changing minds, or being right.  It's about discovering and clarifying and broadening our understanding of each other and all that we are, and what makes our hearts sing.  It's about sharing what makes me, me and you, you.  It's about seeing the value, and appreciating the genius in us both. 

It's an investment I can make each day, free of charge (the fee is in the risk of vulnerability), with the best returns of any market -- the investment is in me and you.

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