Sunday, 29 January 2012

A World Without Money

I am going to stretch our imaginations and go to a world, maybe even a world that we are moving towards, and talk about an existence without money.  Not because money is bad, but what it might be like to evolve beyond its necessity -- like how money took us to a place beyond needing to trade chickens and flour with each other.  Here are some some aspects of that world:

-- We wouldn't have to coerce anyone to do anything because the only reason anyone would have for doing something is because they loved it.
-- One person's work would not be considered more valuable than another because there would be no differentiation by pay. 
-- We no longer would force ourselves to be who we are not because of financial advantage or prestige. 
-- People would study topics because they loved them, they would not be able to resist the thirst to understand more. 
-- Because material items would always be available from those who loved providing material items, there would be no feeling of shortage, or lack, or reason to hoard. 
-- If there was a gap in services or material goods that gap would provide an opportunity, for someone who was inspired, to find the answer to close it.
-- There would be an immense allowing and trust in each other, that we are contributing our part to the perfect balance of the whole, as we honor who we really are, and what we love.

And could we only live an experience like that if there were no money?  No.  But maybe imagining it just made it easier for us to see the possibilities of what we can create when we LOP together.

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