Monday 30 January 2012

Give Myself the Time to Find My Answers

Posted to Facebook Jan 30
The other day I was trying to get a database to do something.  My first couple of attempts didn't work and so I turned to the expert for assistance.  After I explained to him my situation and he gave me a suggestion I had already tried, I came up with an idea, on my own, to try.  Sure enough it worked. 

After I got off the phone I realized I might have rushed myself in asking for help, just so I could get it done.  If I had focused a bit longer and allowed myself the time to listen, I probably would have found the answer as well.  Was there anything wrong with asking for assistance?  No.  Did conversing with him probably play a part in me finding my answer?  Most likely.  However, focus is delicious, and allowing the inspirations is delicious and giving myself the time to do both is always time well spent. 

LOP is giving myself the time to find/allow my answers.

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