Sunday 5 February 2012

The 'Buck' Stops Here

Posted to Facebook Feb. 5th
This past week I experienced a not good feeling.  I interpreted an experience as someone judging me/having a perception of me that didn't feel good.  It felt like they wanted me to be different, that I was not good enough the way I am.  I did not like it at all.

I later caught myself doing the same thing to someone else.  I was judging them, wanting them to be different, feeling that the way they were being was not good enough.  When I recognized what I had done, I liked that even less.  I had done/become exactly that which had not felt good to me.

When I realized what I had done the words resounded through my head, "The buck stops here."  I had a powerful wave flow over me, a decision, that I never again want to pass on the judgements or perceptions or lack of belief in someone, even if that is what someone is passing on to me.  Wherever an untrue story has started, and has been passed on from, it stops with me.  I have that option, that choice, that power.

The place of transformation, the 'miracle', can start with me.

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