Tuesday 15 November 2011

"I'm Over All That!"

Shirley MacLaine has a new book out called "I'm Over All That: (And Other Confessions) ".  I love that title.  If feels so free, unabated, clear, and certain.  I haven't read the book and I'm not exactly sure what she is over, but it got me to thinking up my own list of freedom.  I'm over:
  • getting validation from outside of me
  • pushing and controlling life  
  • being right
  • judging myself and others
  • needing things and people to be a certain way
  • having my outsides dictate my insides
  • not seeing the beauty for the complaining
  • holding back
  • not trusting me
  • not taking in the abundance of life that this moment has to offer
What are you over?

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