Tuesday, 15 November 2011

'One Time' Affirmations

Posted on Facebook Nov. 15th.
Lou Tice, the founder of The Pacific Institute, talks about the power of 'one time' affirmations, commonly known as vows.  We can proclaim something, usually in a ceremony, and then go forth as if.  We do this with marriages, earning degrees, and crowning monarchs, however, we can also do it with more general beliefs about ourselves.

As I played The Transformation Game last week I discovered a vow I had made to myself many years ago after my experience with depression.  I had vowed I would never let myself become depressed again.  And although I have consciously thought that vow/belief only a handful of times since then, I know it has been running as a subprogram through my life.  It may sound like a good, strong vow, but if you feel the essence of it, it has fear and resistance in it.  It was based on a lack of trust in me, that I would be able to handle whatever may come along.  When I don't trust me, I may tend to hesitate and pull back, robbing me of opportunities I actually want.

Discovering a hidden vow makes it possible to make a conscious new one.  In regards to this vow I instead choose to trust that I will be O.K.  I know I can find the other side of whatever may cross my path, because who I really am never leaves me.  I am not alone to suffer through anything.  My joy, peace, and appreciation are always with me, even though in some moments I may throw a blanket of fear over them and they appear missing.  It feels so much better, no matter what I may be facing, to choose to trust Me.

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