Saturday 12 November 2011

LOP is a Talking Butt

Posted on Facebook Nov. 14th
Being my genius self does not mean I have to paint a 'Mona Lisa' or write a famous trilogy.  Being my genius self can show up as a side splitting laugh, a 'silly' idea, an 'accident', or me just being me.

It would be not that long ago that no one would have thought a man making faces and talking out of his behind would be an expression of one's genius self, (never mind a way to create fame and fortune).  Jim Carrey strolled into our lives a couple of decades ago and expanded our understanding of being our genius selves.  He was just doing what he had done his whole life.

We are waiting to enjoy your genius self too.  Remember, and believe in, who you really are and it will be a better world for it.

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