Friday 11 November 2011

Listening and Focusing Exercise

Here's something for you to try/practice right now if you so choose.  In 'Living on Purpose' the book, a part of the third ingredient is the tool of focus, and the fourth ingredient I describe is listening.  In the following exercise you can practice both.

So, here is your assignment -- please read all of it before starting.  I want you to get up, right now, and go for a walk around the block.  And while you are walking around the block I want you to only focus on, to the best of your ability, what you appreciate about your day today.  If you can only think of one thing then just stay focused on that one thing.  If you can't think of anything to focus on, focus on your appreciation that you can get up and walk around the block.

Before you move, and as you digest what your assignment is, try and distinguish the two voices that have opinions about what I just suggested you do.  One will be what some call the personality or ego, and the other will be who you really are (WYRA), or what some call your inner being or your soul.  Try to listen and hear both.  What are they saying?  One may be louder than the other.  One might have responded quicker than the other.  One will feel better than the other.  You may even want to take out a journal and write what you are hearing/thinking.  Some people recommend that you use different hands to write, to help separate the voices/thoughts.

Once you are clear on which voice is WYRA, and what it is saying, follow through on what You are telling you is the most in alignment choice.  If WYRA is saying that you do not choose to go for a walk around the block right now, your assignment is completed with perfection.  If WYRA is excited about the idea of taking a few minutes to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and fill yourself up with appreciation then trust it and follow through.  Listening begets a clearer and clearer voice.

If you are inspired, I would love to hear how it works out for you.

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