Friday 11 November 2011

Update from Facebook page

In my continuing journey of following the specific inspirations, some days I have had more than one thought that I was inspired to share. However, at the same time, filling your email inbox was not feeling inspired. So, I have started a blog where I am posting as much as I am inspired to, and I invite you to have a visit when you are inspired too.  Find me at (cut and paste ...the address). And, if you choose, you can sign up for receiving emails from there as well.

I will continue to share, here on facebook, some of my LOP experiences and any announcements/invitations I have. Facebook still seems to be the easiest place for people to comment, which I invite you to do with your own experiences of LOP. Comments are welcome on the blog as well, however, you would need to sign up with Blogger in order to do that.

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