Monday 7 November 2011

Ahhhhh -- Accomplishment?

Ahhhhh to finish that project.  Ahhhhh to do something I haven't done before.  Ahhhhh to complete a long "To Do" list.  Ahhhhh that feeling of accomplishment.  I know.  I am with you.  That feeling of accomplishment can be pretty darn delightful . . . but, once again, I am suspicious of myself.

I can also get that fix of accomplishment when I get that job, or buy that car, or get out of debt, or have that gorgeous wedding, or complete that education, or please others . . . still suspicious.

I know that for many of us, most of our days are filled with things we are accomplishing, things we are doing to get them done, things that are necessary so that other things are achievable, and it all seems very necessary, but I don't believe that it is Living On Purpose (LOP).

Accomplishment is usually rooted in a desire to earn worthiness, or to justify something.  "If I do this I'll get that.  If I do this then I am a good person."  LOP is the expression of something I am fully present with in the moment, with no ulterior motives attached.

Most of the things I do to accomplish something, I do because I am after the good feeling once it is done.  LOP is doing things because they feel good in the doing of them, and I am in no rush for them to be done.  (i.e. A child at Christmas is not ripping through the wrapping paper exclaiming, "Oh the drudgery of it all!"  They are diving into the gifts full of eagerness and enthusiasm for the moment.) 

Accomplishment comes from a place of being motivated, LOP comes from a place of being inspired.  When I try and accomplish something it can be accompanied by feelings of frustration, or resentment, or resistance or procrastination -- but I am able to plow through and get it done anyways.  LOP is accompanied by feelings of curiousity, appreciation, creativity, abundance and faith. 

And when I am LOP it does not mean I will not accomplish things.  Accomplishment is a natural outcome when I am LOP, it is just not the primary focus.  And LOP does not mean I cannot be doing all the things I am doing now.  I can just decide to enjoy doing them versus lusting after them being done.

So, here's an idea.  Play a game, be curious, watch yourself and notice (writing it down always helps me) what you are doing from a place of accomplishment (get it done, justify myself, be responsible), and what you are doing from a place of LOP (this is really fun, I have lots of ideas about this, I can hardly wait until I have a few more minutes to spend time doing this.)  And, here's the trick, play the game from a place of LOP versus trying to accomplish something.

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