Monday 7 November 2011

My "Lusting" Results

Last week I posted about 'lusting' after outcomes in order to be happy. I said I was going to spend a week making a note of when I caught myself wanting things to be different, knowing that conscious awareness is often enough to let things go.

Well, my notes show a few spousal lustings, a financial lusting, some household chore lustings, and some social outing lustings. Most of them were fairly easy to let go of once I caught the story I was telling myself about what I was resisting.  However, one experience, (someone sharing one of their stories/beliefs) took some dedicated focus, for a couple of hours, before I could feel the peace start to fill my experience. There was no way I could avoid doing the work with that one.

I also had the opportunity to witness someone else recognize that their reality, and their experience of it, are not really connected. That was fun!

Knowing that "my reality does not determine my experience" is not about becoming complacent with what is, it is about creating true freedom and joy. It is me creating my own reality by remembering to choose alignment with who I really am, which always feels good, and leads to my perfect answers and solutions.

If you joined in on the exercise take a minute to look back at your notes and acknowledge what you now know.

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