Monday, 20 February 2012

"There's More To Life . . .

Posted to FaceBook Feb. 20th

 . . . than economic success," is what the newspaper article was titled.  I was visiting family and I decided to do something I rarely do -- look through a newspaper.  The subtitle on this article was, "Time to shift focus from the economy to whether we're happy." 

I was excited to see that such an article had found its way into a daily newspaper.  (Caveat:  It could very well be there are a lot of LOP slanted articles in newspapers these days, and I just don't know it because I am not reading them.)  It reminded me of how we so often put, as the Abraham-Hicks materials explains to us, the cart before the horse.  Meaning we have things backwards.

We tend to think that if we have a healthy gross domestic product we will be happy, when actually, when we are happy we will have a healthy gross domestic product. 
We think if someone will just act the way we want them to then we will be able to appreciate who they are, when actually, when we appreciate who someone is they act just perfectly.
We think that if we could just find our answer about something we would feel at peace, when actually, when we are peaceful we will find our answer.
We believe how others perceive us is who we are, when actually, when we be Who We Really Are others will be able to see us.
We so much want things to be a certain way so that we can enjoy life, when actually, if we enjoy life things just seem to unfold in a certain way.
We want to be right because then we think we will be happy, when actually, being happy is enough 'right' all in itself.
We want the new car, job, health, relationship, home, etc. so that we can be happy and feel successfull, when actually, when I feel happy and successful, the whole process of finding a new car, obtaining a job, creating better health, developing a relationship, designing a home, becomes the never ending unfolding of happiness and success.
I may want people and situations to act a certain way so I can trust them, when actually, when I trust that all is well, no matter how they act, everything already is O.K.
We believe and want our outside world to determine our inside world, when actually, our inside world determines our experience of the outside world.

Most people would not put the cart in front of the horse and expect it to go.  LOP is about not expecting our productivity (nationally or personally) to make us happy.  LOP is about what we produce from happiness.

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