Tuesday 17 January 2023

No Obligation Please

Being a friend, I fear, has gone astray.
From one who loves, to one who's afraid.
And so I ask that you honor us both.
The only gift for me . . . no obligation please.

No saying yes when you really mean no.
No inviting me along when you'd rather be alone.
No gifts required, only ones from the heart.
No sharing the same likes, for fear of being apart.
No changing, 
No agreeing, 
No yessing, 
No pleasing.
Our choices and preferences I know will not match.
But as we share who we are, an expression from the heart,
Neither of us lesser will be, so no obligation please.

You need not be different than the joy that is you.
And I would actually feel it a shame,
If I left this life without really knowing,
The light that has been given your name.

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