Tuesday 17 January 2023

Being In My Now

Recently I have caught myself experiencing a feeling of pushing and rushing through my day, and I have also recognized how much it has been a prevalent underlying belief/emotion in my life. When I am pushing and rushing I feel like I am missing my now (I am not really, my now is just full of the experience of pushing and rushing). These realizations led me to wanting to be more present in my moments throughout my days -- it just feels better. 

So that brought up the question, what is 'being present' really about?  For me, being present in more of my moments is about how much am I allowing Who I Really Am (WIRA) in that moment (of course that requires me to have a sense of WIRA).  It's about how much am I allowing my desires, my priorities, all that I love, all of my skills, all of  the fun of moving forward, all of my creativity to join me in that moment?  There is an aliveness, a vitality, a beauty, a magic to life when I am honestly bringing all those truths of WIRA to a moment. 

If I practice allowing WIRA in my moments then it doesn't matter what the moment is, it is about how I am 'being' in that moment.  That can really increase the awesomeness of just a 'regular' day, and I find I am delightfully surprised what can 'appear' in those moments.

LOP is allowing myself to genuinely, confidently, and eagerly show up as Me . . . right now.

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