Tuesday 17 January 2023

The View from the Upward Spiral is Different than from the Downward Spiral

I love the view from the upward spiral.  I love seeing the unexpected, the possibilities and feeling the fun, and I have come to recognize how different it is from the view from the downward spiral.  The difference is not because our actual eyes are different, but because the interpretation of what the eyes are seeing is different.  We have access to a whole different collection of synapses from a perspective of appreciation than from fault finding.

How can that be?  Well  Beau Lotto, a professor of neuroscience, shares in his book "Deviate" that our physical eyes make up about 10% of what we 'see'.  The other 90% is our personal interpretation of what the eyes are seeing.  That's how you can have one person loving and one person hating the same movie.  Or, how you can have two totally different accounts of the same situation.

Why would I care about that?  Well, if 90% of my experience of life is based on interpretation I have some wiggle room, some flexibility, some choices and options that I can consider.  It means there are some answers and possibilities out there that I may not be currently seeing because of my interpretation of something.  It means that there is an upward spiral view that I can find.

Once again, LOP is less about what is right and wrong and more about what do I want to be right about?

LOP is loving the view through the eyes of appreciation.

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