Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Is This All There Is?

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 29th
The other day someone said they were experiencing the sensation, "Is that all there is?"

I too have had that experience.  It has come in my life when everything is up and running quite nicely, no real troubles or worries.  It comes when I am in a place where all the 'regular' desires one strives for -- nice home, happy family, financial comfort, healthy body, managing the details of life -- have been achieved, but a feeling of being a bit bored with it all has appeared.  It has seemed like there is something missing.  I would say to myself, "Could this really be it, all there is to life?"  I know now there is a whole lot more.

It is because of this experience that the subtitle to "Living On Purpose" is "Life Beyond Mediocrity."  The experience of, 'Is This All There Is?' for me, was the mediocrity that LOP surpassed.

LOP is the culmination of the adventure, the excitement, the creative inspiration, the peace of knowing all is well, and the devine relationship with who I really am, that was missing when I was just living the general mediocre goals of norm.  Once I started to pay less attention to what others were saying I should want, and I started to focus more on what I honestly wanted, the journey beyond mediocity was unleashed.

At first what I thought I really wanted were bigger and better 'things.'  Since then I have noticed my hearts desire has continued to expand its depth, and not just its breadth, to wanting to increase my experience of the 'peace that passes understanding' and 'remembering, believeing in and expressing who I really am.'  But that is just me, and the great thing about going beyond mediocrity is that each journey is specially tailored to surprise and delight each person.

So is mediocrity all there is?  My heart tingles with excitement with those words, because the 'more' is going to knock your socks off.

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