Friday, 2 December 2011

Not Interested In WIRA

The journey from depression to LOP has included many changes in what I believe and how I be.  And that adventure, when I am LOP, never ends.  Those who have known me for a long time have been around for those changes, but they may not be interested in them.

As one begins to LOP it is only natural to want to include those who are important to us in the journey.  I want to share who I really am (WIRA), not only because I am excited about the journey, but because the more you know and understand WIRA, the more connected and fulfilling our relationship can be.  When we get past the surface details of life, there is a treasure chest of beliefs and desires and inspirations and knowing to share with one another -- however, not every one will be ready to go there, and there is nothing wrong with that either.

Friends and family may not be as excited about your journey as you are.  They may not even want to hear about it.  When you try and share eyes may roll, resistance may come up, your exuberance may feel confusing and questionable.  When we are excited about something, we sometimes tend to come across aggresively, or superiorly, and that won't feel good for them.  We may feel, "If they really cared about me they would ask and be interested in what is going on for me."  It may feel like they are trying to quash my new found knowing of Me, and that won't feel good for me.

My response in these situations has become one of remaining silent, as best I can, until there is an enquiry -- realizing they may never want to know.  As I have relaxed into these relationships as they are, I have found that a few different things start to take place.  I find other things on which to focus with those who are really important to me.  Some people have just drifted out of my experience because there is no longer a meaningful connection.  As I remain committed to my truth, others who are of like mind, are showing up in my life.  And those with whom I have not yet found my peace, remain in my life until I do.

So, all is well.  There's no one to convince, no one has to know WIRA.  As well, there's nothing for me to hold back or deny.  It is just the envitable journey of change as we all move forward at our own pace with remembering, believing in, and expressing who we really are.

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