Friday, 2 December 2011

Honoring Priorities

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 2nd
How well did you honor your priorities today?

I know my best days are when I have honored my priorities, stayed in alignment with who I really am (WIRA).  It's how I say to myself, "I believe in, and trust me."  When I honor my priorities, I am honoring me.  But how do I know when I have been focusing on my priorities and not something I've assumed is a priority? 

It can be tricky because over the years I have heard a lot about what is suppose to be important to me from well meaning, friends, family, teachers, media, and various professionals.  My priorities are not necessarily what others are expecting, they are not my to do list, they are not this seasons latest trends, they are not even your boss' priorities.  And chances are your priorities are not the actions of your daily routine, where you spend most of your time.

So what are your priorities?  Perhaps they are something you have been putting off doing until you retire, go on holidays, or when the kids leave home.  Perhaps it is what you are promising yourself you will do once you finish the daily chores (which never happens).  Maybe your priority is to simply find a quiet place and be by yourself.  Maybe your priority is an idea that gets your attention once in a while, but you keep dismissing it as silly.  Maybe a priority is simply to feel more connected to the people and life you already have.  Maybe your priority is less about the 'what', and more about the 'how'.  Maybe your priority is just to be curious about what are your priorities? 

Over the years, as I have honestly reflected upon what really matters to me, my priorities have changed.  Here are what some of my priorities are to date: quality over quantity; being as present in this moment as I can possibly be; being honest with myself and others; exercising my body a few times a week; surrendering; taking the time to stimulate my mind; acknowledging inspirations in the moment that they occur, and trusting them enough to follow them; remembering we all want to feel good; appreciating everyone that stands in front of me as best I can; reading; following the ebb and flow of life; including the foods that my body enjoys; writing; taking the time to remember and connect with who I really am.

Those are mine; by tomorrow they may be different.  There is no right or wrong when it comes to what is important to you. What are your priorities?

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