Thursday 1 December 2011

It's Nicer

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 1st.
It's nice to be rich, meaning having a full bank account.  But, it is even nicer to feel affluent, meaning being like Ted Turner and knowing, "the world is awash in money."  One is something we are trying to fill ourselves up with, the other is something we are full of that spills out into our reality.

It is nice to be loved; it is even nicer to love.
It is nice to have the right to liberty; it is even nicer to be free.
It is nice to win; it is even nicer to know I am a winner.
It is nice to receive compliments on a job well done; it is even nicer to be confident in my job well done.
It is nice to get a clean bill of health from the doctor; it is even nicer to feel vital and know that I am well.
It is nice to get suggestions from others; it is even nicer to be inspired with ideas.
It is nice to accomplish things in life; it is even nicer to know I am able.
It is nice to compromise; it is even nicer to create win-win situations.
It is nice to be good looking; it is even nicer to shine.
It is nice to own things; it is even nicer to appreciate them.
It is nice to be smart; it is even nicer to be your genius self.
It is nice to talk with someone; it is even nicer to 'hear' them.
It is nice to have goals; it is even nicer to have a vision.
It is nice to live a good life; it is even nicer to live a life on purpose.

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