Friday 4 November 2011

Do you want a J-O-B or to L-O-P?

I have never held a J-O-B for longer than a year. I'd start to feel like I couldn't breathe and I'd move on. I use to think something was seriously wrong with me because my family example was that you get a job for life.
Once I was able to stop judging myself, I realized I loved variety and freedom -- they are expressions of who I really am (WIRA). I became a contract worker, which felt much more like ME, it was how I could be Living On Purpose (LOP).
My success lies in the expression of my inner-directed intuition, not my outer-directed shoulds. However, that does not mean that my outer-directed shoulds won't lead me to my inner-directed knowing. All roads lead to WIRA, I am never off my 'path'.

What do you know for sure about your path?

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