Thursday, 20 December 2012

Letting Myself Like What I Like

Posted to Facebook January 10th.
I love when I realize I really like something.  That's when I like something because I realllllly like it, and not because it is the latest trend, the most 'beautiful', the most expensive, or what my neighbour has.  I think sometimes it can be challenging to know what we really like because there are influencing factors around us each day trying to tell us what we should like. 

When I reallllly like something it is because
. . . it is reflecting back to me who I know I really am. 
. . . as I ponder it I see how it fulfils so many of my past desires or whims all in one fell swoop. 
. . . it fits me perfectly, or fits in my home better than I could have ever imagined, or I find it is more useful than I originally thought it would be. 
. . . the longer I own it the more I like it -- I love it.
. . . every time I look at it my heart fills with appreciation.
. . . even though it goes against the norm or being socially acceptable, when I let myself be it, or do it, I just know it is who I really am (WIRA).
. . . it leads me down roads I would not have gone by just following the crowd.
. . . I learn more and more about WIRA.
. . . I know my genius self is expressing itself.
. . . that energy flow fills me with delight and enthusiasm.

LOP is letting myself like what I like.

Seeing or Looking?

It's not what I see through my eyes that matters, but the eyes I look with.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

My 'Life' Coach

Posted to Facebook December 29th
I heard a story during the 2012 Summer Olympic Games that swimmer Michael Phelps' coach, a person coaching at a world class level, used to deliberately make things go wrong during Michael's swim meets to help him practice overcoming less than perfect competing conditions; to train him to focus.  I believe it was said that he had done things like break his swim goggles and make him late.  Michael's coach knew that being the best was not about competing in ideal conditions, having everything perfect, controlling all details so that Michael could easily compete. 

I realize we all have a world class coach that helps us practice focusing and rising above those things we could call obstacles . . . it's called life.  In all the biographies I have read and watched about those who we acknowledge as rising above obstacles, they tell a story of a person possessing the ability to focus on who they really are and what they really want, instead of getting caught up in the undertow of resisting and blaming what they don't want.

LOP is trusting that my 'life' coach is doing nothing less than helping me to succeed.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

The Purpose of LOP

The purpose of my LOP work is to speak my truth, as honestly as I can, so that there is a voice out there that may inspire others to honestly be who they really are.

When I was young I did not see or hear those around me talking about what I was experiencing inside, so I believed that what I was feeling had to be wrong.  That just led me to depression.

So, I write these words for anyone who may be wondering if they are wrong about what they feel.  I realize now all I had wanted in those younger days was assistance in believing in who I really am (WIRA), and perhaps somewhere in all these words there will be something to assist you in believing in who you really are.

What was I believing that I did not hear others talking about?  That mediocrity is not our purpose.  Who we really are is so much more than that.  We are not meant to all be the same.  We are meant to express our genius selves out into the world, and that will contribute in ways we will never completely comprehend.  We may not end up being rich or famous, but it won't matter.  We will be remembering, trusting, and expressing who we really are, and that is the life of a 'rock star'.


Posted to Facebook December 10th.
The church I grew up in had many holiday traditions.  One of them was lighting a candle in the advent wreath each Sunday in December.  Each candle represents an essence of Christmas -- Hope, Peace, Joy and Love.

Here is my LOP Advent:
December 2nd -- HOPE:  not a fear-filled worry about the future, but a belief without evidence of the well-being that abounds.

December 9th -- PEACE:  not everyone behaving in a similar way, but the harmony that our differences working together creates.

December 16th -- JOY:  not a trouble free life, but a life of transcending that which troubles.

December 23rd -- LOVE:  not predicated on you making me feel good, because me, unconditionally loving you, always feels good.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

"Yes Man!"

Jim Carrey was up to his antics again in 2008 in the movie 'Yes Man' where he plays a guy that gets himself out of a downward spiral by saying 'yes' to everything.  Of course, saying yes to everything leads him into all kinds of situations and subsequent hilarity, however, there is a depth to this underlying premise that I love.

I can feel the benefit, and momentum, of yessing my way through my day, my week, my life.  It doesn't mean that I will agree to be and do everything that is presented to me.  It means I want to FIND THE YES in every situation and, therefore, I keep myself moving forward, out of resistance, and not blocking what it is I do want. 

If someone asks me to join in on an outing and I don't really feel like being a part of it, I can yes my way by honoring the desire I have for some quiet time; like perhaps to read a book.
If someone asks for some assistance on a project and I'd like to help but don't feel I have the time, I can yes my way by believing there is a solution that allows me to be involved in a comfortable way. 
If the city wants to increase my taxes, I can yes my way by acknowledging the services they provide that I appreciate the most, and by believing in my affluence.
If someone is doing something differently than how I would like it done, I can yes my way by looking for the benefits of doing it in this new way.
If I am feeling overwhelmed or pressured by holiday season activities, I can yes my way by deciding which traditions I love the most and following through with one or two.
If I am tired of the job I am in, I can yes my way by focusing on the clarity I now have about what I want next.
If things don't seem to be moving forward fast enough, I can yes my way by appreciating the freedom I am enjoying, and excitedly anticipate all that is to come.
If the person I am living with is not everything I had dreamed, I can yes my way by remembering what I initially loved about them.
If I don't have the income to cover all the 'outgo' I can yes my way by knowing there are opportunities out there of which I am ready to be a part.

LOP is knowing that every time I respond with a 'no' (closing), there is a 'Yes' (opening) that awaits for me. 

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

My Freedom is Not Fragile

Posted to Facebook December 17th.
The 'trick' for me in LOP has been to not get caught up in the Catch 22 of my desires, which goes something like this.  I want to be free, but in my longing for freedom I worry that something may take it away from me.  In my worry I am in that moment not feeling free.  I have robbed myself of my freedom because that moment has been spent on worrying about not being free.  Or, I may want to be affluent, but I am sceptical of my earning potential.  In my scepticism I am in that moment not feeling affluent. I have robbed myself of my affluence because I am spending that moment being sceptical of my potential.  Or, I may want to be joyful as I move through my day, but I am doubting my deservability.  In my doubt I am in that moment not feeling joyful.  I have robbed myself of joy because I am spending it doubting.

LOP is replacing my habit of trying to protect my freedom, affluence, and joy by practising a new belief.
My freedom is not fragile, it is guaranteed.
My affluence is not meagre, its supply is bottomless.
My joy is not doubtful, it is pervasive.
My deservability is not dependant, it is 'God' given.
My options are not limited, they are divinely tailored.
My fun is not earned, it is the main ingredient in all choices.
My appreciation is not hard work, it is the essence of WIRA.
My work is not laborious, it is creative expression.
My relationships are not annoying, they are evolution at its best.
My time is not short, it is 'miracles' in action.
My peace does not have to be guarded, it is in/eternal.
My ease is not hard to come by, it is within every breath.

LOP is knowing my freedom is not fragile, because then I am ready and able to 'see' how free I am.

FYI -- the Winter 2013 Law of Attraction magazine is on the stands now (I found this one at a Shoppers Drug Mart, and I have also found them at Safeway) until January 15th, 2013.

It features writers like Mark Victor Hansen and Neale Donald Walsch on topics like Money and Work, Creativity, Relationships, and Health.  It is made up of stories, exercises and interpretations of the law of attraction, all wrapped up in a colourful, picture filled, glossy magazine, uninterrupted with advertising.

You can also enjoy it at (although it looks like the last issue is the one still featured there), and the spring 2013 issue goes on sale January 22nd.

Finding assistance with LOP everywhere we go.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Proximity Versus Frequency

Posted to Facebook Dec. 5th.
A recent Abraham-Hicks workshop mentioned that life is not about proximity, it is about frequency (frequency is the same as essence).

So, it is not about how soon I will find my perfect job; it is about how good it feels to do my work.
It is not about where I will find my partner; it is about how open I am to that kind of intimacy.
It is not about how to become rich; it is about knowing how free I am.
It is not about when I will find the answers to my problems; it is about believing my answers are out there.
It is not about planning every detail of the party; but about partying my way through the plans.
It is not about explaining my beliefs so others agree; it is about living in agreement with what I believe.
It is not about hanging out with people like me; it is about liking me with whoever I am hanging.
It is not about desiring I weigh a certain amount; it is about feeling for the balance in everything I 'weigh'.
It is not about being good at what I do; it is about letting myself do what I am good at.
It is not about looking forward to re-tirement; it is about allowing the expression of the 're-vitalized' me.
It is not about jumping through all the hoops of life to get to happiness; it is about the shortcut of choosing happiness now!
It is not about comparing myself to where others are, or myself at another time; it is about trusting the never ending, evolving journey of my desires.
It is not about understanding or changing things so that I can find peace; it is about being the peace that passes understanding.
It is not about finding a purpose; it is about Living On Purpose.

Friday, 23 November 2012


Posted to Facebook December 20th.
My confidence does not come from being 'perfect', my confidence comes from cherishing my 'imperfections'.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

LOP Is All About the 'F' Words

LOP is Focus, Fun and being Free.

Focus is:  intrigue, curiosity, creativity, passion, timelessness, delight, energy flow, momentum, clarity, inspiration, being deliberate, confidence, and believing.

Fun is:  playfulness, laughter, being whimsical, spontaneity, oozing energy, delight, letting go, silliness, being child-like, frivolity, giggling, being open, and trusting.

Being Free is:  relaxed, here and now, purposeful, allowing, being an open vessel, weightless, full of ease, honesty, being vulnerable and without boundarys, peacefulness, appreciation, and knowing.

LOP is about having an 'F'ing good day!

Love Feels Better Than Pity

Posted to Facebook Nov. 26th
I cannot feel pity or sorry for someone without believing they are lesser than who they really are (WTRA).
Me perceiving someone as lesser than WTRA feels terrible.
When I feel terrible I tend to feel even more pity or sorry for myself and others.
When I feel increased pity or sorrow for myself and others I see even less of WWRA.
When I see less of WWRA, that feels even worse.
When I am down there feeling worse than terrible, I am more likely to drag others down with me.
When I am more likely to drag others down with me, I am no use to anyone.
When I am no use to anyone I feel sorry for myself and . . . . well you can see where this downward spiral is going.

When I appreciate and believe in someone, no matter what they are experiencing, I am believing in WTRA.
When I believe in WTRA I feel good.
When I feel good I find more things to appreciate and admire about myself and others.
When I appreciate and admire I feel even better.
When I feel even better I become a bright light that is easy to see.
When I am bright light that is easy to see others may or may not choose to follow, but it doesn't matter because I feel good, I believe in WTRA, and I am loving them anyways -- and love always feels better than pity.

The Best Gift Ever

Posted to Facebook Nov. 22
To me, there is nothing more beautiful/honest/courageous/inspiring than someone sharing who they really are (WTRA); 'finding their voice' so to speak; coming into their own.

Over the years of working with individuals and groups, getting to see who people really are has been the best gifts I have ever received.  So, I guess that's the best thing I can ever give.

LOP is giving the world who we really are.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Choosing Open

Posted to Facebook Nov. 12th.
Back in August I shared that I was reading "The Untethered Soul".  This book ended up in my hands at a time when I realized I was ready to move beyond any essence of 'protection' I still had going on in my life.  Meaning, I was wanting to move beyond making any decisions and taking any action from a place of fear or worry, or trying to protect myself from what might happen, or trying to ignore something that I was unconsciously dreading or fearful about.  All of those essences only keep me small and do not allow me to continue on the journey of LOP and realizing who I really am (WIRA).  And besides, they feel yucky.

The concept that stood out for me in Michael Singer's book was the idea of choosing to remain open instead of closing, no matter what was going on.  This means I choose love . . . appreciation . . . trust . . . moving forward because that is WIRA.  Michael explained that we stay open simply by making the choice to keep our hearts open.  I find this is so powerful because even though our reaction of closing our hearts to protect ourselves seems to be the common sense, knee jerk reaction, it is the closing of our hearts that creates the pain/discomfort in our lives.
The snow comes and the driving is different -- I choose to stay open.
I make an appointment with someone and they are two hours late -- I choose to stay open.
My dad goes into the hospital -- I choose to stay open.
There are unexpected repair bills -- I choose to stay open.
I am not sure how some things are going to work out -- I choose to stay open.
There are government systems in place that are choosing things for our family we don't think we would choose -- I choose to stay open.
There are things I am being asked that I do not immediately have answers for -- I choose to stay open.
My dad is being moved to a nursing home -- I choose to stay open.
My mom wishes my dad was coming home -- I choose to stay open.
My relationship with my dad is changing -- I choose to stay open.
There are financial decisions that are coming in the not so distant future on which we are still looking for clarity -- I choose to stay open.
Not everyone sees things the way I do -- I choose to stay open.
I make plans for my day and then other things come along and become a priority -- I choose to stay open.
People do things differently than how I had asked them to -- I choose to stay open.
I do not complete all the things I think I should be -- I choose to stay open.
I am not staying open in some moments as well as I would like to -- I choose to stay open.

I choose to stay open because that is WIRA and my outside experiences do not dictate my inside experiences -- I create my experiences by LOP. 

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

If You Can't Say Anything Nice . . .

As my sister and I were growing up, and learning about relationships, I must have heard our mom say to us a thousand times, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."  I am sure Mom was wanting for us to learn how to treat each other kindly, however, the wisdom within that saying has unfolded for me as time has gone on.

Perhaps, for many of us, the person who can drag us off into the bushes the most is ourselves.  It's not intentional, we really are trying to feel good, we really do want to see our answers.  We are probably just relying on a habit that does not work very well. 

I had thought the "if I can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all" motto was for my sister's benefit, but really it was for me.  I want to get beyond using any of my moments for being right about what I don't want, justifying them, explaining them, or using them for comic relief, and get to what I do want.  I want to catch myself when I am about to say something that is more of what I don't want and, "don't say anything at all," or use that time to explain what I do want.

Go figure, Mom was right!

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

180 Degree Turn

Posted to Facebook October 23rd.
In many ways LOP can feel like a 180 degree turn from what I have observed as 'normal' or what I have tried to force myself to believe.  Words to describe this difference came to me the other day when I said to a friend, "It's the difference between my life driving me and me driving my life ."  In one I believe that the world outside of me dictates my life, and in the other I believe that I get to choose what I like best.

'My life driving me' may at first seem easier because I am leaving the decisions and processes up to someone else.  However, eventually it can start to feel like obligation, necessity, a heavy weight, like I am trying to push and control things into place.  Things can feel required of me, like I need to hurry, abide by a list of shoulds, or rush through my days.  At one end of the 'my life driving me' spectrum I may feel immense boredom, mediocrity, monotony, and caught in a cycle of constant maintenance.  At the other end I feel exhaustion, overwhelment, or suffocation.

'Me driving my life' feels like curiosity, enthusiasm, and well-being; it feels easy, natural, energizing, exciting, creative, inspiring, adventurous and fun.  Me driving my life has a natural flow, and even though I may have moments of questioning if others will accept it, there is a knowing that this is the path I want to explore.

LOP can at times appear to be impossible, or incorrect, because it is the opposite of what we have experienced.   It may seem the whole world would have to change to make it a reality, but it doesn't.  The 180 degree turn happens as I come to remember the fun of being in the driver's seat.

Monday, 15 October 2012


Posted to Facebook October 17th.

The Movie "K-PAX"
Directed by Iain Softley
Adapted from the novel by Gene Brewer

After Prot informs the psychiatrist that they have no laws, and no lawyers on his planet . . .
Psychiatrist:  "Well, how do you know right from wrong?"
Prot:  "Every being in the Universe knows right from wrong."

Monday, 8 October 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted to Facebook October 8th.
Thanksgiving . . . a holiday to practice appreciating.

I appreciate that the sun rises everyday.
I appreciate that it is not my job to make sure the sun rises everyday.
I appreciate all four seasons, and that I can feel excited anticipation for each of the changes.
I appreciate the experience of depression that created such clarity and passion in my life.
I appreciate my thumbs and fingers that allow me to type these words.
I appreciate Joannes Gutenberg who made it possible for all the books that I love to love.
I appreciate all those who have gone before me, whom I now stand on the shoulders of, to reach new adventures.
I appreciate my sense of taste that helped create my enjoyment of the turkey and pumpkin pie.
I appreciate the family and friends in my life that provide the continuous support and learning about WIRA.
I appreciate the technologies that allow me to share my appreciations.
I appreciate all the opportunities I have had in my life, and all the possibilities that wait in the wings.
I appreciate that birds sing and cows moo, and not the other way around.  (LOL)
I appreciate belly laughs.
I appreciate that I can appreciate, because it feels so good.

Happy Appreciating!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

LOP is Expressing (Part 3)

Posted to Facebook October 11th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The third part of LOP, Expressing WIRA, has been about listening.
Listening to what I am telling myself.
Listening to what I am wanting to be right about.
Listening to what I know beyond my 'shoulds' and 'have tos'.
Listening to when something doesn't feel good and deliberately making a different choice.
Listening to the little thoughts of inspiration and trusting them.
Listening to the big thoughts of inspiration and trusting them.
Listening to the people and situations that cruise across my path.
Listening when I seem to be getting the same message over and over again.
Listening to what feels good and knowing it is suppose to feel that way.
Listening to what I am inspired to say.
Listening to what I am inspired to do.
Listening to the reminders to stay open.
Listening to what and when I want to eat, wear, watch, read, clean, repair, change, create, or try something.
Listening when it is time to take action, and when it is time to listen.

Listening -- because I have all my answers, if I just listen.

Friday, 5 October 2012

LOP is Believing (Part 2)

Posted to Facebook October 6th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The second part, Believing in WIRA, has been about:
-- giving myself the time and space to remember WIRA, because as I remember I naturally believe.
-- ignoring the external voices when I am having challenges hearing Me.
-- remembering to breathe.
-- being picky about the books/movies/people/activities that I participate in.
-- quieting the internal chatter by consciously reminding myself WIRA.
-- having conversations with those who are able to hear and support me in believing in WIRA.
-- participating in morning rituals that help me connect with WIRA (i.e. meditation, journaling, a walk, yoga, reading inspirational material).
-- physical activity/workouts.
-- eating and drinking those things that make it easy to remember WIRA.
-- paying attention to what beliefs/thoughts feel best to me.
-- not pushing myself forward when I know I am not believing in WIRA as strongly as I want (can also refer to this as confidence).
-- letting go of trying to convince anyone of anything.  Me knowing WIRA is enough.
-- listening to the truth of Me that is sometimes buried under some 'shoulds'.
-- surrendering comparisons.
-- playing/laughing/appreciating.
-- finding that feeling of pure knowing.

LOP is believing in WIRA even when there is no physical evidence/confirmation/belief outside of me.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

LOP is Remembering (Part 1)

Posted to Facebook October 5th.
The foundation of Living On Purpose (LOP), for me, is that we all want to feel good, and that we are all geniuses (no one can be me as well as I can).  The three aspects I have witnessed myself experiencing as I learn how to feel good and be my genius self I describe as remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am (WIRA), which I am doing to some degree in every moment.

The first part, Remembering WIRA, has been about:
-- recalling the things I use to do, and the ways of being I would naturally be as a child.
-- noticing things I have done my whole life, and perhaps have even told myself that I do too much.
-- paying attention to what topics/books/movies/conversations/hobbies I tend to gravitate towards.
-- watching what I naturally do more of when I am wanting fun or relaxation or peace.
-- recognizing those moments when I am really enjoying life.
-- hearing what others say they appreciate about me or what I did well.
-- acknowledging those things that seemed easy, automatic, or second nature to do.
-- admitting what I was doing the last time I was having a really good time.
-- going my own pace.
-- trusting myself enough to like what like.
-- surrounding myself with what feels good.
-- letting go of the beliefs that I picked up along the way, that I now know are not what I really believe.
-- asking myself, "through what eyes am I seeing others when I am appreciating them most?"
-- allowing the inspirations that exist beyond the motivations of guilt or justification.
-- discovering what I am ready for when I am not busy protecting myself from life.
-- observing those times when I am swept up in a moment of knowing that some way, some how, all is well.

And, remembering WIRA is not so much about what I was doing in all of the above situations, but about who I was being.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Let Them Grow

The blooming of our desires is an exciting, beautiful journey.
Start with the essence, the seed, and let them grow.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

"The Help"

There are scenes in the movie "The Help" that are known for their uplifting reminder of how inspiring affirmations can be to ourselves and to each other -- "You is kind.  You is smart. You is important."

What three thoughts would uplift you today?
I am happy, I am worthy, I am free!
I am excited, I am ready, I am eager!
I am content, I am trusting, I am at peace!
I am curious, I am adventurous, I am playful!
I am lovable, I am unique, I am ME!
I am appreciative, I am believing, I am now!
I am focused, I am full, I am lettin' it rip!
I am quiet, I am watching, I am knowing!
I am loving, I am admiring, I am smiling!
I am open, I am aware, I am real!
I am tickled, I am giggling, I am joy-filled.
I am honest with me, I am honest with you, I am honestly being in this world!
I am remembering, I am believing, I am expressing who I really am!
I am laughing, I am loving, I am living!
I am 'perfect', you are 'perfect', this world is 'perfect'.
I am calm, I am at ease, I am!
I am smart, I am kind, I am important! 

Happiness Trumps Greatness

Posted to Facebook September 20th.
I recently had a small peak into two lives that left me with the same feeling and a burning question.  I read the Steve Jobs biography and I watched a movie about J. Edgar Hoover.  Even though both men are easily considered great, perhaps even genius, for their accomplishments (the creation of Apple Computers and the computer, music, and cell phone technology as we know it, and the department of the FBI and investigative techniques as we know them), I was left with an incongruent, uninspired, unpeaceful, unfulfilled, even sad feeling from both stories.  So, I was curious, what about these two people, who were suppose to be so great, felt so off to me?

During the last Abraham-Hicks workshop a quote was shared that answered my question for me.  It went something like "(all of our striving, hard work, and suffering) won't bring happiness, but it will bring greatness."  It seemed to imply that greatness is more important than happiness, or if you are great enough it will bring happiness.  And what these two stories taught me is neither of those things are true.

I have come to understand that what we are really wanting in life is happiness.  Being great, based on other people's opinions or standards, may eventually allow us to work our way around to happiness, but it certainly is not guaranteed.  However, being happy does guarantee happiness.

LOP is about being who I really am (WIRA) because that makes me happy, and from my happiness 'greatness' is expressed.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Not Up For Debate

Posted to Facebook September 11th
It can be challenging for us to be willing to try new things, make changes in our lives, admit to things not going as we thought they should, share our inner truths, or be honest about how we really feel.  We can, without even knowing it, create our own little prison.  We lock ourselves inside these cells to be safe, but what price might we be paying?

Maybe we sometimes choose to lock ourselves in the walls of this safety because we have believed that our worthiness comes from being right, doing things correctly, being 'successful', not making mistakes, saying the right things, pleasing others, and being on top of everything at all times?  And maybe we think that if we play small we may actually have a fighting chance to be all of that, and therefore justify our worth?  Even if we could be all of that, all that it achieves at best, is being smaller than who we really are.

But what if I just swung that cell door wide open?  What if I believed my worthiness was not up for debate?  What if I believed it was innate, absolute, unshakable, infinite, God-given, and irrevocable by anyone or anything?  Would it then be okay to make mistakes, to be wrong, to try new things, to laugh at myself, and be open and honest?  Would I feel a little freer to be who I really am?

When I am LOP my worth just is.

Friday, 7 September 2012

Drop the Reins

Posted to Facebook September 7th.
I first noticed it a couple decades ago in an adult education program I was attending.  It was a feeling I could only metaphorically describe as holding the reins to a team of 12 horses that were ready to bolt.  My arms were exhausted and cramped, but I had to hang on tight to protect myself from losing control.

I came to interpret that feeling as me holding back in my life.  Why holding back?  Well, it is not unusual for us humans to learn to play it safe.  It is that protected, guarded, controlled, cautious, 'don't get going to fast', 'beware of the other shoe', 'if you get too happy it is just a farther distance to fall' essence that comes from fear, and keeps us smaller than who we really are.

I have recently revisited that essence/metaphor and recognize that I have still been holding the reins, however, now it is just a four horse team.  My arms have not been as tired, but I have still felt the need to keep the reins in my hands.

Today, as I sit with this team, I can feel that there is nothing to worry about or fear, they are not going to bolt.  And neither do I need to concern myself with them stopping, or becoming too lazy, where I would need to get out the whip.  I get that all is well here -- I can just drop the reins.

LOP is letting go of protecting myself and allowing me to be who I really am.

Friday, 31 August 2012

I Create My Own Reality

Posted to Facebook August 31st.    
There are a number of materials and teachers out there these days using the saying "I create my own reality." I know that with some situations we find ourselves in it can be fairly easy to take out the stick of guilt, shame, unworthiness, or doubt and beat ourselves up when we hear that. Telling myself I am responsible for this nasty person in my life, or this terrible financial situation, or this poor health just feels awful. The last thing that idea/philosophy or LOP is wanting to do is make someone be on the downward spiral, so its purpose must be something else.

Sometimes we interpret "I create my own reality" as something we have to get out there and work really hard at with action. We have to convince others, make laws, control situations, and protect and guard our homes, families and world. This interpretation of "I create my own reality" feels more empowering than the guilt and shame, however, it is exhausting, not usually very productive, limited in its creative ability, usually relies on others changing their behaviour, can take a long time, not to mention it is not fun, inspiring, exciting, and full of appreciation -- so it must not be what LOP is talking about either.

However, if "I create my own reality" is about the perception I choose about a given situation, it then is able to be a glimmer of hope. If I am willing to no longer be right about this thing I don't want, and allow myself to be right about what I do want, ahhh, that's the relief that it creates. At last, something that I actually can control and provides the possibility of reaching heights on the upward spiral that allow me to remember who I really am.

Yes, this too takes some 'work', but at least that work guarantees some returns, unlike the work of trying to change others. And the freedom that it promises is like no other. And although some situations may seem near impossible to find an upward spiral perception to, I know if Victor Frankl can do it in the Nazis concentration camps (see "Man's Search for Meaning"), we can do it in our lives.

And, interestingly enough, when I change my perception about something, I seem to rendezvous with evidence of it in all kinds of ways, because . . . I create my reality.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

"The Untethered Soul"

I am currently reading "The Untethered Soul:  The Journey Beyond Yourself," by Michael A. Singer.  If you like the works of Byron Katie or Eckhart Tolle, Michael's work may be of interest to you. 

Michael helps us discover and focus on what Deepak Chopra calls, "the thinker behind the thoughts."  The thinker behind the thoughts is that peaceful, knowing part of us that is who we really are. 

In any moment I am either thinking beliefs that are who I really am (WIRA) or I am thinking beliefs that do not feel good, or are fearful.  When we are not remembering who we really are Michael suggests we ask ourselves, "What part of me is being disturbed by this?"  (I reworded it a bit and asked myself, "What disturbs me about __________?")  The Abraham-Hick's materials asks us, "What are we expecting?"  As I am aware of what I am believing/expecting that doesn't feel good, (things I would not consciously choose to be right about), I remember that is not WIRA and naturally reconnect with WIRA.

LOP is consciously remembering who I really am, and therefore, easily letting go of who I am not.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Bob Marley

Posted to Facebook August 29th
Some quotes by the Jamaican singer, composer, and guitarist Bob Marley (1945-1981).
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery.  None but ourselves can free our minds.” 
"Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver or gold."
"Life is one big road with lots of signs.  So when you're riding through ruts, don't complicate your mind.  Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy.  Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality.  Wake up and Live!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


Posted to Facebook August 24th.
As with all things, I can take action from the upward or downward spiral; my 'success' with the action is not really about the action itself.  If I take some action from the downward spiral, I am continuing to head in the direction of what I don't want.  If I take action from being on the upward spiral, then I am continuing to head in the direction of more of what I do want.  Therefore, I have found the 'trick' is knowing from which direction I am taking that particular action.

A question that sometimes helps me sort out which spiral I am taking the action from is, "Am I like an empty cup trying to fill myself up, or am I full and this action is just me naturally spilling out into the world?" 

If I am taking a job, getting into a relationship, doing chores, raising children, spending money, or doing social activities from a place of trying to feel better about myself, accomplish things, not feeling free or loved, then I am trying to fill my partially full cup.

If I am choosing to clean the house, go for a workout, invite someone over, invest in something, pursue a particular career, or play with the dog from a place of "I am so excited about doing this.  I cannot wait to do this," then I am probably full and this is me naturally spilling out into the world.

LOP is knowing that taking action is not about trying to make myself feel better, it is about the things I choose to do from a better feeling place.

Be Sensible

Posted to Facebook August 22nd.
My depression taught me that sometimes I can be a sloppy thinker, which is not very sensible.

I would not deliberately stub my toe, and say "Oww, that feels awful, let me do it again."  That doesn't make sense.  I would just stop stubbing my toe. 

And yet, sometimes I choose to hit myself over and over again with thoughts that don't feel good.  That is not sensible.

LOP is about being sensible by being kinder to myself.

Friday, 17 August 2012


Posted to Facebook Aug. 17th
Momentum is happening on the upward and downward spiral; individually and shared.

One day, during my numerous hours of watching the Olympics, a story came out that a man, assumedly frustrated about something, tossed a bottle on the track right at the beginning of the men's 100 meter race.  A female wrestler who was in the audience just a few seats behind was apparently angry/frustrated by his actions (joining the momentum) and tackled him.  As the announcer is telling this story he is getting irate at spectators behaving in such a manner and condones the tackling of the spectator (joins the momentum).  I, listening to the announcer condoning violence, get frustrated that he, being in a public position like that, would express an opinion like that.  "Doesn't he know he is just continuing the momentum of the violence?"  And yup, you guessed it, with that I became the fourth stage of sharing the momentum of frustration.  Around the world in seconds, sharing the downward sprial.

LOP is being picky about which momentums I join.

Friday, 10 August 2012

Listen to the Essence

Posted to Facebook August 15th
Every sentence, every word we speak, can come from either an upward or downward spiral feeling.  So, LOP is not just about picking nice words, it is about the feeling or 'spirit of intent'* that is behind them.  We are not just listening to each others words we are listening to their essence.

The word 'love' can feel controlling or unconditional.
The word 'vulnerable' can feel weak or open.
The word 'hope' can be filled with worry or belief.
The word 'great' can be full of sarcasm or enthusiasm.
The word 'surrender' can feel like giving up or letting go/forgiving.
The word 'busy' can describe being stressed or focused.
The word 'jealous' can feel resentful or admiring/appreciative.
The words 'time/money/energy' can primarily feel lack-filled or abundant.
The word 'control' can feel suffocating or clear.
The word 'humble' can feel like unworthiness or a quiet strength.
The word 'independant' can feel defiant or able.
The word 'try' can be full of doubt or adventure.
The word 'effort' can be about forcing something to happen or ready to take on a challenge.
The word 'compassion' can feel like pity or believing in who someone really is.
The word 'help' can feel like obligation or fun.
The word 'believe' can feel like doubt or knowing.
The word 'allowing' can feel like being a door mat or like freedom.
The word 'change' can be fuelled by resentment or excitement.
The word 'work' can feel like imprisonment or creative expression.
The name 'God' can feel demanding or accepting.
The word 'genius' can feel like an obligation or a natural unfolding.
LOP can feel like a chore or a breath of fresh air.

*The phrase 'spirit of intent' is taken from Lou Tice's programs at The Pacific Institute.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

'Enough' Rides Again

Knowing things are enough is not a settling for what is, it is a peace with what is so I can recognize and allow the naturally occurring 'more' of life to materialize. (See February 13th's post for more.)

I am enough.
This moment is enough.
There are enough sunrises and sunsets.
There is enough air for me to breath.
There is enough beauty.
There is enough to choose from, and not making a choice is enough.
The orbiting of all the planets in all the galaxies is enough.
This tree is enough.
The bird in this tree is enough.
I have enough questions.
I have enough answers.
I know enough.
I have enough smiles and compliments to last a life time.
There is enough variety.
That moment of laughter and joy is enough.
All that I have done in my life is enough.
All that you have done in your life is enough.
Where we are as a species is enough.
Me sitting quietly with my knowing is enough.
Waiting for my inspiration is enough.
Loving you just exactly as you are is enough.
Trusting what you choose is enough.
Trusting each step that I choose is enough.
Liking what I like is enough.
Being who I really am is enough.
Peace, knowing, and appreciation is enough.
LOP is enough.

Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Posted to Facebook August 9th.
My schedule during the first half of this year was very full so, desiring the essence of ease more than usual right now is understandable. 

I think many of us, me included, when we desire more ease in our lives (less stress), we get busy making that happen.  I find myself doing things like reducing my schedule, trying to complete long 'to-do' lists, trying to control situations and people around me, and putting the brakes on things that feel like they are going too fast. These can all increase the experience of more ease in one's life, but I am not sure that is the easy way of going about creating ease.

When I facilitated stress management programs, we definitely would take a look at what things the participants might want to reduce, remove, or change in their lives, but I would always remind them this is about stress management not stress elimination.  Meaning, what we were really after was increasing our ability to deal with the stress, being O.K. with the stress, using the stress to our advantage, and making it our friend, instead of resisting it.  Resisting stress is stressful.

I know this same concept applies to me now as I focus on increasing the ease in my life.  It is not about me controlling my environment so that it is conducive to, and produces an experience of ease, it is about me being the essence of ease and bringing it to the environment I am in.

That doesn't mean I won't choose the choices with the most ease.  Actually, if I am emanating the essence of ease I will have even more choices of ease available to me.  What it means is I quit trying to create ease from a place of feeling stressed or out of control, because emanating the essence of 'out-of-control' does not help me practice emanating the essence of ease.

LOP is knowing that experiencing ease comes from being really good at the essence of ease.

My Race

Posted to Facebook August 10th.
Olympic Outdoor Advertisement:  "I race my race.  There is no other."
LOP:  "There is only one 'race' -- me being ME."

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Olympians LOP

Posted to Facebook Aug. 2nd.
I am once again drawn into the energy of the Olympics and have been tuning into the broadcasts from London.  This year I have been hearing interesting talk about training.  They go into the details of the amount of time and energy it takes, and what their bodies have to do to get to this level of competition.  And, they are also often commenting on the mental and emotional training that is being done.  These athletes practice deliberate thoughts and emotions.

They are talking about the athletes' abilities to: focus and stay present in the moment, not look too far ahead in the race; not slip into doubt about their ability; rehearse their routine over and over in the mind so their mind and body believe they have done this routine hundreds of times before; shut off the voices in their brain that distract them, and let their body do what they have trained it to do; stay calm under pressure; believe.

At this level of competition it is often fractions of a second that determines the medallists from the last place competitors, and so we know they all have immense physical ability.  These athletes, and their coaches, know that it is the training they have done mentally and emotionally that will often make the difference.

So, if it is good enough for them, perhaps it is good enough for us?  No I am not trying to shave a fraction of a second off anything I am doing today, but I am wanting to: stay calm; focus on what I am doing in any moment; imagine things unfolding they way I want them to; quiet the voices that distract me; and believe in who I really am.

The Olympians know that deliberate thoughts and emotions are worth it for them to achieve their dreams -- for them to express who they really are.  Maybe their dreams seem far fetched to us, but are our desires any less important?  Are our daily gold performances, of us showing up as who we really are, any less inspiring? 

LOP is believing we are all Olympians.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

A LOP Translation of Proverbs

I believe that at the core, at the basis, of all religions/methodologies/belief systems, there are similar desires, we just have different ways of saying the same thing.  If we take the time to think about the message behind the words we would probably be able to find our own words to express the same message.

To use The Good News Bible as an example, Proverbs Chapter 11 Verse 5 says, "Honesty makes a good man's life easier, but a wicked man will cause his own downfall."  What that means to me, or the way I would say that is, "In honesty there is freedom, in fear there is overwhelment and suffocation." 

Here are a few more examples:
GNB Proverbs 11:6 -- Righteousness rescues the honest man, but someone who can't be trusted is trapped by his own greed.
LOP -- Faith will carry us through times when we don't know what else to do; but someone in fear will see things to fear everywhere they go.

GNB Proverbs 12:15 -- Stupid people always think they are right.  Wise people listen to advice.
LOP -- Fearful people feel they need to guard what they believe.  Confident people are open to hear what others believe.

GNB Proverbs 12:27 -- If you are lazy, you will never get what you are after, but if you work hard you will get a fortune.
LOP -- A life lived unsure about who you really are, will be a life without success.  A life clear about who you really are creates fortunes.

LOP is about finding the words that are on the upward spiral of life.

I Don't Know

Posted to Facebook Aug. 1st.
One summer, as a very young girl, I was playing in the garden and came across a worm.  I felt so bad for it, that it was doomed to an existence in the dark, cold, suffocating dirt.  I could not imagine a more miserable life.

I wanted to help it, give it the opportunity to experience all that I enjoy; open air, sunshine, and warmth.  I did not think I would be able to just walk away and leave it there to suffer in the cold and dark.  So, I overturned a bucket in the sunshine and set the worm on top of it so that it too could revel in all that is good about a warm summer day.  I then went on with my day feeling good about myself because I had helped another creature.

A couple hours later I came to check on my new friend, the one I had rescued, and there it laid . . . on top of the bucket . . . shrivelled and dead.  I was in disbelief, and so upset.  How could that be?  I had done for it what I thought it would like, what was best for it, what I preferred, and what I had ended up doing was killing it.  Out of my best intentions I had created the exact opposite of what I wanted.

I learned that day that I don't know what is best for others.  And even when I am sure I know, I don't know.  And even when I cannot fathom why they may prefer what I abhor, I still don't know.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Remembering WIRA

Posted to Facebook July 25th.
I call it remembering who I really am (WIRA) because when I am connecting with what I really believe and what I really want there is a familiarity to it, a 'coming home' feeling that is so pervasive, I realize that it has been there the whole time -- there is no future tense about it.

Remembering WIRA is not a feeling of trying to be more than who I am, or different than who I am.  Nor is it a feeling of trying to be a better person, or creating WIRA, or re-inventing WIRA, or even becoming WIRA.  It feels more like a returning, a relaxing into, that which I already am.

LOP is knowing that I have always known what I know.

I Want What I Want

I have noticed how the creative geniuses that we are can sometimes get caught up in not allowing ourselves to want what we want, but still try and find ways to create it.  Meaning, whether we admit to our desires or not, they are very powerful forces in our lives, and we are most likely still going to keep trying to find a way to make them happen. 

Now, I can either create my desires easily and effortlessly by being honest with myself and going straight to what I really want, or I can take a long road around by working hard, worrying, doing things that are not who I really am (WIRA), and pretending my desires are just like everyone else's, and just hope that I will get there someday when I retire.

We have a variety of ways of not being honest with ourselves about what we want.  We have excuses for not allowing ourselves to want something (that's not worth the money, I am too busy, I'll do it when I get everything else taken care of), or we justify doing something by pointing out that something bad will happen if we don't (I have to go golfing or the guys will be mad at me), or we can pretend we are doing something for someone else's sake (I'll go out for lunch with my friends so you can get some work done at home).

Or sometimes we try and talk ourselves out of what we want with logic (it is not right, it is not fair, it is not how I was brought up, it is not what my family wants, I don't have enough education, I haven't worked hard enough for it, I can't make a living from that, or I don't know HOW to do that).

And, we may tell ourselves stories (consciously or unconsciously) for protection.  If I say I want things that are not my true desires, and I don't admit what I really desire, I protect myself from 'failing' and the pain that would accompany that.

But what I have realized is that when I justify, and use excuses, it is me who is not believing in me, and how will anyone else believe if I don't?  What I have learned from all the biographies I have read and watched is that in the beginning, most often, our true desires are anything but logical.  And most spectacularly, I now know, we can not fail at our true hearts desires, at being who we really are, we can only deny ourselves of it.

LOP is allowing ourselves to want what we want.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Success Begets LOP

I have recently witnessed how the importance of LOP comes into play as one creates 'success' in their life.  The higher the position, the more money, the more recognition or visibility, the more good fortune, the more responsibility, the more one leads or makes decisions, the more the 'requirement' for LOP seems to be.  I sometimes think people may want 'success' because they then believe they can just sit back and do nothing, but I am realizing that practicing LOP begets 'success' and 'success' begets the desire to LOP even more.

This is not to say that I cannot LOP with a simpler, quieter, smaller life.  But by definition, as I LOP, I tend to create more, mix it up more, have more momentum in my life.  I tend to say more inspired things that others identify with, I tend to build more devices, paint more pictures, start more businesses, sing more songs.  I tend to become known for something, become sure about something, decide to go off on new tangents.  I tend to step out of the box of mediocrity, shine light where there was darkness, live bigger, laugh louder, and love more unconditionally, and those ways of being are often noticed by others, and they may share their opinion on it.

This is not a bad thing or a wrong thing.  It is a momentum thing, a clarifying thing, an energy exchange thing, a possibilities thing, a more thing, an evolution thing.  It's a LOP thing.  As others may share their opinion about my expression of who I really am (WIRA), I get to practice, expand, better know, embrace, flush out, and clarify WIRA.  My work is to continue to hear my own voice, to know what I know, to share who I really am, to hold the vision, to allow others who are in alignment with it to add to it, to step back and let it have its way with me, to appreciate the diversity of our world, and have faith when I am inspired to become bigger.

LOP leads to my success (whatever that might be), and my success shows me all the ways I can LOP even more.

50 Cent

Posted to Facebook July 24th.
In an Oprah interview the rapper 50 Cent said, "Either pray or worry, don't do both."

Either love or fear;
Either laugh or fret;
Either play or suffer;
Either create or regurgitate;
Either relax or be tense;
Either know or doubt;
Either be amazed or be critical;
Either be confident or be unsure;
Either allow or control;
Either appreciate or resist;
Either be calm or rush;
Either trust or yearn;
Either be clear or confused;
Either be focused or unsure;
Either be ready or hesitant;
Either be real or fake;
Either dance or mope;
Either sing or yell;
Either bless or curse, you can't do both.

To Live Long or Deep

Our Western Society beliefs put an emphasis on living a long life.  We see these beliefs when we compare phrases like, "his life was cut short" when a young person dies, to "well, he was fortunate to have had a long life" when an old person dies.  We are sold things that will extend our life, and we have numerous professions and institutions that are dedicated to helping us live a long life.  These beliefs are so powerful that when someone who hasn't lived a long life dies, there are often feelings of confusion, injustice, revenge, or anger for those 'left' behind.

Living a long life is not contrary to LOP, I would just say it is secondary.  My primary belief about life as I am LOP is about the depth with which I live it.  How much of who I really am (WIRA) am I allowing in this moment?  How present am I in this moment?  How much of the upward spiral essences am I filled with in this moment?  How well am I remembering WIRA?  Am I believing in WIRA?  Am I expressing WIRA?  Do I feel the joy and adventure and fun and anticipation and curiosity and appreciation of life?  Do I have a sense of peace about most things?  When I am on the downward spiral do I see the advantage of it and embrace it?  Do I have moments when I am stopped in my tracks because of how green the trees are, how blue the sky is, how funny a bear cub is, how talented a singer is, how perfect that particular moment is?  When I LOP, and have depth to my life, each moment is worth a day, each day is worth a year, each year is a lifetime of living.

If the depth of our life was of primary importance we would have numerous professions, industries, and commercials dedicated to helping us deepen our lives.  If depth of life was of primary importance then, whether a person had died young or old, we would say things like; "boy he sure knew how to laugh;" "I never felt more understood than when I was talking with her;" "he loved life to its fullest;" "she was always so much fun;" "he just seemed so accepting of everyone around him;" "she was always so patient, never in a rush;" "he loved the simplest things;" "she saw the good in everyone;" or "he just seemed to be having a really good time everyday". 

Perhaps if we lived our lives with depth, those of us 'left' behind would be better able to recognize that the life lived fast and high, has just as much value as the one lived long and safe.  And finally, perhaps a life of depth will more often lead to an enjoyable 'long' life.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Ripple Effect

Posted to Facebook July 19th.
I know many of my posts sound like they are all about us feeling better about ourselves -- and that's because they are.  LOP is about living on the upward spiral because I believe in the ripple effect.  I believe if we are experiencing an upward spiral essence (appreciation, ease, joy, adventure, trust) that ripples out from us into the world we touch and changes things beyond what our imaginations can conceive.  We take care of things by remembering who we really are (WWRA), which is a simpler method than trying to take care of all things.

Here's an example.  I recently saw an advertisement pleading people to please donate to an animal society to stop the abuse of animals.  Imagine how low on the downward spiral of life one must be to hurt anyone or anything.  People who are LOP are not cruel to animals.

The upward spiral ripple happens when we go through our day, 'bumping' into others, while remembering WWRA .  The ripple of LOP emanates out to those we interact with, they more easily remember who they really are, and then they go home and share that part of themselves with their pet.  We stop cruelty to animals when we start with the kindness we show ourselves.

However, I am not implying we LOP so that we can control what others are doing, because then we would be emanating an essence of control, which is the essence from which people do 'cruel' things to others.  So, choose to LOP because there is nothing more important than remembering, believing in, and expressing who you really are, and just know that things are being taken care of with your LOP ripple.

A Whisper In My Life

Posted to Facebook July 18th
There's a whisper in my life,
That is oh so sweet.
It does not demand itself to be known,
Nor does it know defeat.

There's a buzz in the world,
That vys for my attention.
Loud and pervasive it can seem,
The everyday convention.

There's a whisper in my life,
That knows me oh so well.
A step it never misses,
Ringing clear as a bell.

There's a buzz in the world,
All the rights and the wrongs.
A lifetime of memorization,
And I still can't sing the song.

There's a whisper in my life,
And I want it to grow.
It leads me to wonders --
I am ready to know.

There's a buzz in the world,
a cornucopia of desires.
Taste and touch; pick and choose,
Select that which inpsires.

There's a whisper in my life,
It wants what is best for me.
There's one in your life too,
Listen for a moment; allow yourself to Be.

LOP When I Am Not LOP

Posted to Facebook July 17th.
We all have them.  Those moments when we are not LOP as much as we want to be.  I can pretend or deny it is not happening, but that just usually increases my experience of not being Who I Really Am (WIRA).  The great thing about LOP is when I am not LOP I can still know what to do about it to get back to better remembering WIRA, and that in itself is LOP.  So really, I can always be LOP.

This past six months I have been involved in a great project where sometimes I was easily remembering WIRA and sometimes I was stretching to remember WIRA.  It has meant that overall I have not been on the upward spiral as much as what I am accustomed; not LOP as well as what I want, or know I can.

However, no problem, when I am not as high on the upward spiral as I am used to, that is the perfect time to be practicing LOP, practicing the habits and reactions that are WIRA.  I know what to do to increase my experience of LOP, and to have the opportunity to apply it, learn from it, and clarify it is a very exciting aspect of LOP.  LOP is not a stagnate, finite, un-evolving state, or way of being (once you've figured it out your done).  LOP is a live, expanding, creative adventure never to be completed.

LOP is not about trying to do life without bumps.  It is not about doing life perfectly.  I wouldn't give up the stretching and learning I had in this situation because it has just contributed to the higher highs I now get to explore and get to realize in the expression of WIRA. 

So, even when I am not feeling like I am LOP, that is a fantastic opportunity to practice LOP and that contributes to my experience of LOP, and all of that, by definition, is LOP.

David Copperfield's Magic

I recently saw David Copperfield interviewed by Oprah.  This is how he described what he does.

"Magic to me is making dreams real; making them feel real, making them look real, and giving people hope."

By that definition LOP is magic.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Stephen Hawking: The Meaning of Life

Posted to Facebook July 2
I so appreciate all the different examples of LOP.  Recently my husband and I watched a show on Discovery Channel called "Stephen Hawking's Grand Design".  Here are some of the things he said that felt very LOP for me.

"Hello my name is Stephen Hawking; physicist, cosmologist, and something of a dreamer.  Although I cannot move, and have to speak through a computer, in my mind I am free."

In an analogy where he is comparing the perspective of a little girl with her fish in a fish bowl, he says, "I don't think that one reality is more valid than another.  And that means that reality itself is in the mind of the beholder."

"Perhaps there is no real reality out there at all."

"It may seem crazy to doubt that our concept of reality is true.  But I think to find the meaning of life we must answer the question is there an independent reality or not?"

"Meaning itself is simply another piece of the model of reality that we each build inside our own brain."

"In short, the brain is responsible for not only the reality we perceive, but for our emotions and meaning too."

"Love and honour, right and wrong are part of the universe we create in our minds."

"It is pretty remarkable to think our brains . . . have this wonderful ability to not only perceive reality but to give it meaning too."

"The meaning of life is what you choose it to be."

"The meaning of life is not somehwere out there, but right between our ears."

"In many ways this makes us the lords of creation."

LOP is believing my life naturally fills up with whatever I choose is real.

Monday, 18 June 2012


I am currently reading "Imagine" by Jonah Lehrer; a psychological discussion of the principles in LOP.  Here are a few of the things I have underlined as I have hungrily read this book.

"Why is a relaxed state of mind so important for creative insights?  When our minds are at ease . . . we're more likely to direct the spot light of attention inward. . . "
"It's not until we're being massaged by warm water, unable to check our email, that we're finally able to hear the quiet voices in the backs of our heads . . . The answers have been there all along -- we just weren't listening."
"Creativity is the residue of time wasted." (This is actually an Einstein quote.)
"Because positive moods allow us to relax, we focus less on the troubling world and more on these (epiphanies)."
"One of the surprising lessons of this research is that trying to force an insight can actually prevent the insight."
"Their (ADHD) turned out to be a creative blessing."
"The imagination is vaster than we can imagine.  We just need to learn how to listen."
"A sense of pleasure is the brain's way of telling itself to look over there, or there, or there."
"The good news is that the human mind has a natural ability to diagnose its own problems, to assess the kind of creativity that's needed.  These assessments have an eloquent name:  they're called 'feelings of knowing,' "
" 'If you are only worried about not making a mistake, then you will communicate nothing,' " (Yo-Yo Ma). 
"He has learned to trust himself," (In reference to Yo-Yo Ma.)
"And then, just when we've found the courage to create something new, the brain surprises us with a perfectly tuned burst of expression.  This is what we sound like when nothing is holding us back."

And this is only a portion of what I have underlined up to page 93. 

When we are being creative, we are allowing our genius selves.

Monday, 4 June 2012

Our Answers Are Right In Front of Us

My parents gave me a little plaque at the time of my college graduation, that has sat on my desk ever since.

It says:
WISDOM is to know myself, 
COURAGE is to be myself,
and SERENITY is to accept myself."

As I now read these words I easily see how the message of LOP has been right in front of me all these years:
Wisdom is to remember who I really am,
Courage is to believe in who I really am,
and Serenity is to express who I really am.


Posted to FaceBook June 4
I have recently enjoyed a few viewings of the movie "Moneyball", a 2011 film based on the book by Michael Lewis.  To me it is a story about the baseball manager, Billy Bean, learning how to believe in himself.

There are many moments in it that I enjoy, however, the following quote stands out for me.  I have included the LOP interpretation in the parenthesis.

"Few scouts can go into the mind of a young man and determine whether he is really confident about what he can do (will be able to remember who he really is when he gets to the big leagues).  You can sign him based on his ability (producing desired physical manifestations), but then he's got to be successful (able to LOP moment by moment), to be confident (remember who he really is, even when the pressure is on), and once he becomes confident (is able to show himself he can remember, believe in, and express who he really is) that's when you've got something."

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

How to Talk to Strangers

Posted to Facebook May 24
I was out for my jog the other day and passed a number of people along the way -- all different ages, all different focuses.  I gave a smile as I passed them by, but only a few responded.  For some a total avoidance of eye contact seemed to be their preference, for others a hesitant glance.  Out of a handful, only one responded with a smile and a hello.

Being an introvert myself I totally get the desire to have my own space and only engaging in inspired interactions.  However, this lack of connection between each other, in a city full of others, makes me think of one of the messages we teach, "Don't talk to strangers."  I understand the reasons we have taught this, however, I wonder if we are ready for a new message of 'how to talk to strangers.'

The message ‘don't talk to strangers’ can feel like avoidance, distrust, fear, disconnection from each other.  It can lean towards a more 'us against them' way of seeing things in a world where we are trying to learn how to get along with each other.  It can feel like we are professing 'guilty until proven innocent'.  It can speak more of win/lose rather than win/win.  It can feel more like a pulling a part from each other for a species that seems to naturally want to connect.

Perhaps if we taught each other how to talk to strangers we could have the best of both worlds.  Perhaps if we taught each other to trust how we feel when we interact with another, we would learn who we want to connect with and who we don't.  Perhaps if we learned how to feel more confident in our interactions with others of all ages, authority, education, and culture we would only agree to things that were in alignment with who we really are.  Perhaps if we taught that feeling good is natural, fear would feel so off to us that our natural reaction would be to run away freaking out when something didn't feel good.  Perhaps if we knew we were suppose to feel good and trust ourselves and confidently express ourselves, our "yeses" and "nos" would be so loud and clear no one would doubt them -- especially not us.  Perhaps if we knew how to talk to strangers, that stranger would no longer feel so strange.  Perhaps if we knew all these things about talking to strangers we would realize that most are just friends we haven't met yet.  Perhaps when I practice how to talk to strangers there no longer are any.

LOP is trusting myself as I interact with everyone.

Thursday, 17 May 2012

That's How I Know

As I worked on one of my projects yesterday my clarity of thought seemed to have compounding momentum; time slowed down; joy rose up.  I felt like every cell of my being was saying, "Yes, this is what we are suppose to be doing."
That's how I know when I am being who I really am.  That's LOP!

Tuesday, 15 May 2012


Posted to FaceBook May 15th
I received a bank statement the other day.  In its announcement section it was telling me to "Hurry, contest ends May 31, 2012." 

We can be so use to operating in the:
Be busy;
I am going to miss out;
Opportunities are limited;
Stay in control;
I am going to be left out;
There is not enough to go around;
We have to talk people into things;
Urgency is how to motivate people;
We have to push to be successful'
way of being, messages like that feel normal.

LOP announcements would be more like:
"We are having so much fun here, and we are open to anyone who is wanting fun to come join in."
"We have this contest we have decided to do because we think it will be a lot of fun, and if you feel inspired to enter these are some of the things that you could win, which we are so excited to give away."
"We have decided to do this contest and there really are no ulterior motives of trying to get you to use your credit card more, or create a mailing list, because we believe in our business and know the value of what we do.  We just really wanted to share our appreciation of you, with you."

I know, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."  John Lennon.

Essence Emanation

Posted to FaceBook May 17th
LOP is catching myself when I am believing that my emotions are reactionary to, instead of 'creationary' of, my physical reality.  LOP is deliberate emanation.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012


Posted to Facebook May 11th
Assumptions.  Our lives are based on them.  We make some assumptions because they are what we call the truth.  We have experienced them as true so many times we feel it is correct to believe them.  These include things like: the sun will rise tomorrow, the red light will eventually turn green; and when I throw a ball in the air it will come down.  These assumptions are most often correct and generally support us as we move through the moments of our days.

Then, there are assumptions we may think are the truth but are actually more of a habit.  If I have never done something before, I may assume I will not be able to do it now.  If someone yells at me I may assume it is because I have done something wrong.  Because I have not trusted myself in the past, I may assume others know my answers better than I do.  I may assume I need to justify myself by being right about everything.  Or, I may assume that if I work hard enough, and struggle, it will eventually pay off and I will be happy.  Although these are common assumptions are they, in general, supporting us as we move through the moments of our day?

If you ask around you will probably get a variety of opinions regarding which assumptions are true.  Following what you have believed in the past can be the safest way to proceed, which seems to be enough for many of us.  However, if we really want to be supporting ourselves, as best as we can, in being who we really are, listening to others and doing what we have done before are probably not the best options. 

LOP is about listening to me.  LOP is about paying attention to how my assumptions FEEL.  LOP is about finding those things that are in alignment with who I really am (WIRA), and I can always recognize them because they feel like they are on the upward spiral of life.  They feel hope-filled, or inspiring, or optimistic, or exciting, or peaceful, or easy, or I fill with appreciation at the pondering of them.

LOP is assuming the best assumptions are the ones that feel the best for me.

Sunday, 6 May 2012

"I Can See Clearly Now"

Posted to Facebook May 8
Here is some fun I had with Johnny Nash's song "I Can See Clearly Now"

I can see clearly now, 'I resist no more.'
I see the obstacles 'I put' in my way.
Gone are the dark 'thoughts' that had me blind.
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

I'll make it now 'I know who I am.'
All of the 'should'ves and could'ves' have disappeared.
Here is the rainbow I've been 'asking' for.
It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day.

Look all around there's nothing but blue sky.
Look straight ahead nothing but 'YOU and I.'

I can see clearly now, 'I resist no more.'
I see the obstacles 'I put' in my way.
Gone are the dark 'thoughts' that had me blind.
It's a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.
It's a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.
It's a bright, bright, bright sunshiny day.

Monday, 30 April 2012

What do I want to be right about?

Posted to Facebook April 30
I am currently involved in a project that includes contact with many members of the public.  This provides the opportunity for me to hear people sharing their different perceptions of the exact same experience.  At times they can be so opposing, so black and white, it would be easy for one to think they were talking about two completely different situations, but they are not, and both have no doubt they are right about the situation.

I know I have written about this before, but this experience is bringing it to light for me again.  'Reality' is made up of  what the atoms/molecules of our world are doing, and equally (if not more) the way they are being perceived and interpreted relative to our own lives.

We, as humans, spend large amounts of time and energy discussing, researching, discovering, arguing, justifying, and suing each other over what is true and right -- when maybe the real question is, "What do I want to be right about?"

Do I want to be right about being a victim, or about knowing how powerful I am?
Do I want to be right about how wrong people are, or that they are doing the best they know how?
Do I want to be right about worrying over things, or do I want to find the peace of mind that trust brings?
Do I want to be right about how terrible things are, or about all that goes so very right in every day?
Do I want to be right about all the things there are to fear, or about all the things to love?
Do I want to be right about those things that people do that irritate me, or about the peace I experience when I let go of the need to control everything.
Do I want to be right about those things that are making me feel bad, or the choice I have to feel good anyway?
Do I want to be right about how others see me, or what I know about who I really am?

LOP is asking myself, what do I really want to be 'right' about?

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Believe What's Real

Posted to Facebook April 23rd.
We are taught to believe what is real, or true.  Now all we have to do is figure out what real is.

One night when I was very young, sleeping in the same room as my sister, I looked up into the darkness of the room and I saw bubbles and squigglies dancing in the air above me.  Never considering before that moment that anything I experienced might not be real, I blurted out to my sister, "I can see air!"  She, already knowing what the 'truth' of the world was, responded with certainty, "you can't see air."  "Oh," I thought to myself, "I could have sworn I saw something."  This is my first recollection of me not believing what was real for me.

I received an assignment in college to observe something and write about it.  On my bus ride home I watched a young couple interacting.  There was something obviously bothering them.  I wrote about what I perceived, and just intuitively knew was going on.  I received a good mark on the paper, along with the comment, "Well written, but you could not possibly know that all of this was going on for them by just observing."  It had not crossed my mind before that comment, that what I had witnessed was not accurate. 

My interpretation of both of those experiences had come from a place of absolute knowing.  It's that same knowing that tells you you are in love, to turn right instead of left, or to give a hug at that perfect moment -- you just know.  There had not been a shadow of a doubt, about either of them, until someone else doubted me.  In both situations I was basically told I could not trust what was real for me.  In both I had a decision to make -- who was I going to believe?  I stopped seeing air after that night; I have continued to trust what I feel is going on for others. 

Believing what is real for us is at the basis of us remembering who we really are.  Believing what is real for us is the secret to our geniusness.  Believing what is real for us is an act of unconditional love towards ourselves.  LOP is believing what's real for us.

Monday, 16 April 2012


Posted to Facebook Apr. 20th.
We cannot benefit from who we really are (WWRA), we cannot be all that we were born to be, when we are pretending to be other than our genius selves.

Pretending can happen in the most innocent of ways.  We can agree with something when we believe differently.  We can do something when it feels not quite right.  We can buy something we don't really love.  We can do a partial job on something just to get it done.  And, we can attend things we feel obligated to attend.  Each one of these situations is an opportuniy to ask ourselves, "Who am I really in this situation?"

I know we do most of the above to be nice, to not offend, to fit in, to be helpful.  But if we could really begin to fathom how loving, uplifting, perfectly timed, and appropriate WWRA truly is, we would never again pretend to be nice, and fit in.

So if I am not pretending to be the way I think I am suppose to be -- how do I be?  Ahhhhh, now that's the perfect question for practicing LOP. 

Try spending a day not pretending.  No faking, no shoulding on yourself, no appeasing.  If you come across a situation that does not feel good/right, don't pretend your way through it, step back and say, "Oh, this is an opportunity for me to remember WIRA."  Take a moment to see if there is any response that immediately comes to mind that feels more genuine.  If not, postpone your comment, decision, action, response (if possible) until an ah-ha, a sense of clarity, has a chance to express itself.

LOP is giving WIRA a chance to express out into the world.


Posted to Facebook Apr. 16th.
I recently stuck my nose into a book called "The Highly Sensitive Person" by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.  In it she describes people who may experience any or all of the following: acute physical senses such as smell, taste, or touch; being deeply affected by other's moods and emotions; a need to withdraw from busy days and over stimulation; annoyance or overwhelm-ment when needing to do too many things; uncomfortableness with violent movies/TV shows; uncomfortableness with loud noises; a history of being called too sensitive or shy; an aversion to, or uncomfortableness with, changes in ones life.

In LOP I wrote about being hypersensitive.  It was what I experienced after my depression and when I was no longer choosing to be, as Pink Floyd calls it, 'comfortabley numb'.  I had probably been 'highly sensitive' my whole life but had never been taught what it was, or how to use it.  I had been taught by Western society that emotions and acute awareness were things to dull, ignore, control, stifle, and avoid. 

I have come to see that my sensitive emotions, and acute awareness, are actually a finely tuned guidance system helping me to discern who I really am (WIRA).  It no longer feels like hypersensitivity is an uncomfortable, unwanted thing, but a valuable, finely crafted, precisely set, Geiger counter that has the ability to guide me through life with immense skill and precision.

LOP is listening to what our hypersensitivity is helping us to know, and discover, about ourselves.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Posted to Facebook April 12th
Life has been rich and full these last few months.  It is all great and, I could feel I was ready for some quiet.

I spent Good Friday reading, going for a jog, choosing not to do some work I had scheduled for that day, taking a bath, eating pizza, and watching T.V.  During the evening I looked over at my husband, with a Garfield grin on my face and said, "I am so content."  I could not have been any more happy with that moment.  Full belly, quiet mind, exercised body, cozy in front of the T.V. -- it had been the perfect recipe for the immense satisfaction I was feeling.  So, does that mean that contentment comes from not working, eating pizza, and watching T.V.?  Well it did for that day, but perhaps more accurately, I would say it comes from me listening, and following my bliss. 

I think immense satisfaction from one's day can follow a strenous day of work, a family outing, writing a song, paddling on a lake, running a marathon, building sand castles, having laughs with some friends, completing a 'to do' list, or finding solutions at work.  I think contentment comes from filling my moments with WIRA, and the expression of that can change from day to day, moment to moment.  I think there will never be just one thing, that one way of being, that will fill me with that immense joy and satisfaction day after day.  I think that contentment on Good Friday came not from what I was doing (pizza, bath, and T.V.), but from how I was being (surrendered, faith-filled, listening).  I think being content is about me hearing and trusting my inspirations and following through on them.

LOP is not about just having one Good Friday a year, but about having lots of Good Fridays  . . . and Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays too.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

A Choice

The following is an excerpt from the book "Living On Purpose:  Life Beyond Mediocrity."

"The choice of being on the upward or downward spiral includes all situations, . . .  This does not mean that we are going to look for the upward spiral in the suffering . . . we do look for the upward spiral of the situation.

From the years of my adolescent depression, I could now focus on the misery and unhappiness I experienced.   I could focus on how ostracized I felt from friends.  I could focus on the immense frustration and agonizing knot in my stomach.  I could focus on the damage I created to home and belongings in outbursts of desperation.  Or, I could focus on the sensation of hopelessness, aloneness, and being a failure that permeated me.  I could focus on all the unjust times since then that I have needed to explain and defend my mental health.  And I could blame the world for not doing a better job of saving me from my suffering.

Or, from that same time in my life, I can now focus on the incredible thirst I have for understanding human beings -- how we are built and how we function.  And I can focus on the idea that because of my depression experience, I now posses an undying belief in each individual's incredibleness, and that we all have unique talents and abilities to contribute.  Also, there is the belief I have learned:  it does not matter how bad a situation looks, there is always an upward spiral.  I know my depression intensified my desire to live every moment fully and treasure them like gold.  And finally, there is the knowing that if I can survive that, I can do anything.  I am a very powerful person! 

One set of thoughts is an upward spiral, the other a downward one.  It is my choice on which I focus.  By focusing on one, it does not mean the other does not exist or I am denying it happened.  It does mean I am making a deliberate choice to keep my power in my hands, to stay out of self-defeating victim mentality and not haunt myself by returning to that time and replaying downward spiral thoughts.  We all find ourselves in situations that we don't want to be in.  However, the actual situations are not as abusive as we are when we replay the situation over and over in our minds."

LOP pages 80-81


Posted to Facebook Apr. 7th.
We are all probably familiar with secrets being those things that we deliberately and consciously do not share with certain individuals.  But how about those things that we habitually and unconsciously do not share with certain individuals?

I have came to a place of peace in regards to not needing to assert/share my understanding about LOP with those in the world that are not interested.  I adopted a "answer only when asked" philosophy, and it became apparent that many were not really interested, because they were not asking.  Not 'bothering' to share became habitual -- big parts of my life were kept behind closed doors, not under lock and key, but only because many were not asking for them to be opened.  Is this a secret?  Is this LOP?

I am now realizing there is a fine line between "answer only when asked," and keeping secrets.  There is a fine line between not asserting ones beliefs, and still being who we really are (WWRA).  There is a fine line between being quiet because one is so use to not being asked who they really are, and becoming comfortable with hiding in the safety of not sharing who we really are.

LOP is not hiding, or secrets, or holding back in fear of judgement.  Nor is it trying to convince, or justify to, or be accepted by, those who see things differently.  LOP is expressing WIRA, from an essence of appreciation, unconditional acceptance, belief and trust in myself, and trust that others can handle it.

LOP is sharing and expressing WIRA, because there is no benefit to keeping my genius self a secret.

Monday, 2 April 2012

There's a Whole Lot o' Energy Goin' On

Posted to facebook Apr. 2nd
The "E=MC2" book that I am reading right now, got me curious as to how much energy I am.  So, I thought it would be fun (with the help of my husband) to figure it out .  (I know, I know, fun is in the eye of the beholder.)

So here is what I am understanding.  If we pour/pump energy into mass, at a rate faster than the speed of light, that energy turns into mass.  That means we can also take a unit of mass and figure out how much energy it would have, if we knew how to purely convert it into energy.  (The atomic bomb is an example of us knowing how to purely convert mass into energy.)

I am, based on my crude mathematics, 1,580,128,000,000,000,000 units of energy. 

Look around you.  Imagine the amount of energy that surrounds you right now.  There's a whole lot of energy going on.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

But Aren't I Suppose to Struggle?

Posted to FaceBook Mar. 29th
I know it can seem counter-intuitive, but being at peace with what I don't want is not asking for, allowing more of, or being resigned to a life of what I don't want.  Finding my place of peace is creating peace.  We can be so ingrained with the beliefs of hard work, no gain without pain, or the need to be busy, that not struggling against what we don't want can feel like we are permitting more of it.

Being at peace is about not giving up my joy/connection with who I really am/well-being, for any reason.  Being at peace is about staying in alignment with what I do want, so that I am able to recognize my answers and opportunities when they are in front of me.  Being at peace is about taking care of this moment, the only one I ever truly have, and filling it with who I really am.  Being at peace is the road to what I do want.

If I believe I need to struggle to find peace, I will choose the options of struggle, over my happiness, every time, and I will end up down the road of life asking why the happiness never came.  But if I am able to find peace with that work situation, or the relationship, or the financial situation, or my health, or my career, I end up down the road of life saying, "Gee, it seems to have been one peaceful moment after another," and that's because it was.

LOP is a place of peace.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Why Einstein?

Posted to FaceBook Mar. 26th
I am currently enjoying the book, "E=MC2" by David Bodanis, which is subtitled, "A biography of the World's Most Famous Equation."

Yesterday I was reading a section where David was questioning why Einstein was the one to pull all the elements of E=MC2 together.  The individual aspects of this equation were already in existence and had been evolving for some time.  There were others working on similar questions as Einstein, that arguably could have been considered smarter than him.  So what was it about Einstein that made this famous equation apparent to him?  Well, David points out a number of characteristics that may have contributed to it.

One thing that was working for Einstein was space.  He was employed at the patent office which was taking up little of his mental energy and allowed him the space to explore his ideas.  A second element was time.  He was not pressured by outside influences like some of the other scientists of the time, who were under academic pressure to publish.  He could follow his ideas at his own pace and on his own agenda.  Another was trust.  David shares that Einstein's family had a history of trusting him and accepted his interest in whatever he was interested in -- a great confidence builder.  He also writes that his family "encouraged a playful distancing tone," which to me sounds like they encouraged the silliness of being imaginative and different, and being outside of the box.  Mr. Bodanis includes the cultural influences of being Jewish, in Germany, at the turn of the century and how his beliefs about responsibility, justice, and authority where probably quite different than the many German scientists of his time.  And finally, the author includes what many might call the failures that Einstein experienced early in his life (i.e.not getting into the 'right' schools, being a lowly patent clerk, etc), that probably created a thirst, a desire, the inspiration to keep pursuing and searching.

Why Einstein?  We will probably never fully understand all of the intricacies that led to his conscious recognition of this equation.  But it would be fair to say that having enough faith in myself, to allow myself the space and time to follow my inspirations down those roads that interest me, to be playful, curious, have an adventurous spirit, without being too concerned about what others think, and choosing to use the clarity I get about what I do want, when I experience things I don't want, certainly doesn't hurt.

LOP is having the space and time to believe in, play with, be curious about, and follow one's inspirations.