Friday, 30 December 2011

New Year's Honesty

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 30
Well, it is that time of year again when talk of resolutions can spring up.  We all know that the success rates of resolutions are a bit iffy, so maybe we could try something else.  How about honesty?  I think my level of honesty with me has increased as I have increased my ability to LOP.  And I think my ability to LOP has increased as I have increased my level of honesty with me -- they go hand in hand. 

My degree of honesty with me unfolds gradually.  Being honest with me can be the hardest person to be honest with.  There may be things that I am not ready to be honest about yet.  It may be scary to be honest about some things.  It could even feel a bit like a house of cards.  If I tell myself the truth about something important to me, it might seem like I am pulling a card out from the bottom of the pile which would bring the rest of the cards crashing down.

Being honest about what is really important to me can be scary; but it is also relieving.  Being honest about what I truly enjoy could be embarrassing; but it is also so much fun.  Being honest about what I want to focus on in any moment could seem selfish; but it is oh so freeing.  Being honest about whom I want to spend my time with might seem rude; but it is really a gift to us both.  Being honest about what I am not good at could be seen as a weakness; but it actually frees me to be a genius at that which I excel.  Being honest about what inspires and calls me forward might feel unrealistic; but it is the path to my success.

So, perhaps this New Years Eve, take a moment of honesty.  What is really important to you -- honestly?  Where do you really want to be spending your time -- honestly?  When you let go of who you think you should be, who is left -- honestly.  And just know, whatever your answer is, it is enough.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, 29 December 2011

The Day I Met WIRA

I was startled.  It was the last thing I had expected, which made it even more believable.  It was one of those moments that you can point to and say, "That is when things changed.  This is when I started to see things differently."  This was a beginning, although, in that moment, all I was experiencing was astonishment.
It was the end of the last century, and I had been journeying for a while.  I had read the books, I had taken the classes, even lead a number of them.  I had been doing a morning meditation for years, which I called connecting.  I knew I was looking for something; I had been my whole life.  Things had just never seemed quite right.  The answers most others were satisfied with were unfulfilling to me.  I couldn't bring myself to be happy with what others desired.  I felt alone at times, I felt weird at others, and yes, periodically, I even felt better than, maybe from a place of self preservation more than anything else.  There had just always been this feeling, this knowing, that there was more here for me than what I had been introduced to, and I had started to search at a very early age with very mixed results.  So, by no means was the experience this morning out of the blue.  There had been asking for decades.  And yet still I was surprised.

To read the rest of this article click on the link to my website and scroll down to the title: "The Two Of Me"


Posted to FaceBook Dec. 29th
I can be rolling along merrily, feeling pretty good, remembering who I really am, when what seems like out of nowhere (but it's not), someone says something, or something happens that doesn't feel good, and it drags me down/away from WIRA.  I refer to that as getting hooked.  Some story/belief/judgement I have about myself, or others, or the world, is not in alignment with WIRA, and by believing in it I have just yanked myself off my stage of LOP, like the ol' hook of vaudeville yanking the bad acts off stage.  Sometimes a hook feels subtle like, "Hmm, that feels a bit off."  And then sometimes they can feel like a dump truck has emptied its load on you.

Finding a hook may sound like a not good thing, but I don't believe that.  When I come across some story about life that I am telling myself that doesn't feel good and it is decreasing my experience of LOP, I feel it is a great opportunity to evolve/increase my experience of LOP.  The beauty of being hooked is that in the realization of what the story, belief, or judgement is, I can more easily identify its opposite, which will be what is really true for me.  When I have the opportunity to further clarify what is really true for me, I have just embraced WIRA a little bit more, which means I have evolved my experience of LOP a little bit more.  They are little gifts just waiting to be unwrapped.

Does that mean I go hunting for hooks, or that my life becomes about wading around in a sea of hooks?  No, they always appear at the Perfect time in the Perfect way.  If I have trouble understanding what the hook is, clarity will come with another example. 

With each hook I successfully unhook I get to know myself and others in a more unconditionally accepting, and joy filled light.  I relax easier, my trust in myself and where I am going increases, everything just makes a bit more sense.  And that feels good.

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Marianne Williamson

"(The Course tells us that) 'we don't ask God for too much; in fact, we ask for too little.' "

A Return to Love, pg. 84.


Posted to FaceBook Dec. 28th
Do people or things disappoint us, or is it our expectations of them that can disappoint?
If I have low or no expectations would I still end up being disappointed?
If I have high expectations, am I opening myself up to being hurt or disappointed and, therefore, is it better to protect oneself with low or no expectations?
Or, is there a way to hold a high vision of someone or something, and at the same time not dictate the specifics of how that needs to be in order for me to feel good about it?
Do I recognize the difference between habitual specifics and inspired specifics?
Am I ready to let go of the expected specifics to allow in the Perfection of the unexpected?

My ability to see someone (or a situation) as who they really are, and not get caught up in habitual expectations of how I think they should be, or how they have been before, is a never ending, always exploring, recognizing the difference between the two, part of practicing LOP.

Monday, 26 December 2011

Recouping by Not Worrying

(Written March 27, 2010)
I visited our new art gallery this week.  One of the exhibits was an audio with a surround sound of 40 or so speakers.  The written description provided before entering the exhibit implied that there were some darker, downward spiral aspects to it, but I still wanted to experience it because of my enjoyment of similar exhibits before.

As I sat with my eyes closed listening to the profound experience of an orchestra as it was played through this immense surround sound system, I caught myself leaving the magnificence of my now to worry, and supposedly prepare for the darker aspects I was informed were to come.  I caught myself in the midst of doing this and thought, “what a waste, to chose to focus on, and try and prepare myself for something that might be coming, and totally miss the beauty and enjoyment I was having in the present moment.”

Afterwards I wondered, how much do I do this?  How often do I leave this wonderful moment to worry about and try and protect and prepare myself for something that may or may not be coming in the future that I am concerned may not feel good?  Furthermore, I have just created the experience I was trying to avoid, by going through this preparation for a fall I might take onto the downward spiral.  What a mismanagement of my thoughts, time and focus.  I really want to be allowing each moment of joy to be its pure, enjoyable expression of bliss, untainted with worry about the supposedly impending fall.

And what if (as so often is) the supposedly impeding fall (that thing we worry about happening) never happens.  Those moments of pure bliss are gone . . . and for what?  Whatever preparation I thought I was doing to protect myself was a waste of my time and energy.  And really what kind of preparation do I think I am doing, or can achieve?  And by “protecting and preparing” myself so that the fall is not so painful, I am actually making myself a better match to it and, therefore, expecting it, which will just create an even bigger experience of it.

If I live each moment fully present in its beauty and perfection and allow the rare moments of downward spiral experience to be handled by my ability and confidence to refocus, how many more moments of being who I really am will I recoup?  If I am not protecting and preparing and worrying about the possible 'not wanted experience', how many more moments do I leave for my enjoyment of the wanted experiences?  I am thinking there are probably enough to tip the scale to allowing who I really am the majority of the time. 

What a life awaits without changing a thing, except being present and not worrying.

Celebration and Connection

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 26th
With all the extra fun, and activities, and celebrating, and memories, and changing of routines and schedules over the holiday season, my connection with who I really am (WIRA) can be different as well. 

As I have discovered, pursued, and deepened my practicing of LOP I have created some habits in my life that help support my connection with WIRA.  Holiday seasons, vacations, and travel can interrupt some of those habits that help me remember WIRA -- and that's O.K. too.  As I get better and better at LOP, that connection will be easier to maintain within the experiences of irregularities and changes.

So today I bless this season, and all that it brings,
I take moments that are connecting, by doing certain things.
I be present with who and what is in front of me now,
and I appreciate this opportunity to practice some 'hows'.

I remember the point, the purpose, is not just bling,
I feel the joy and the peace that the songs all sing.
And as I see the joy of the bird who knows not Christmas,
I am reassured that this freedom is forever within us.

Happy Boxing Day!

Friday, 23 December 2011

Because I Am Free

You're a Truck

So the story goes that a little boy arrives home crying because the other kids are calling him names at school.  His dad turns to him and says, "Son, you're a truck."  The boy ceases his sobbing to look up at his father in confusion and silence.  So, his father says it again, "You are a truck."  This shakes the son out of his bewilderment to say, "What are you talking about Dad, I am not a truck, that's just silly."  To which the father replies, "You know me calling you a truck is silly because you know it is not true.  And in that same way, you can know that what the kids at school are saying is silly, because you know it is not true (who you really are)."

They Don't Need to be Wrong

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 23
When I am needing someone to be wrong about something is it because I am not feeling confident that I am right?
If I make you wrong about something I don't like, or I don't want to be, or I don't care for, does it make me 'right-er' about what I do like?
Could me, really enjoying something, be enough of a reason for me to like it? 
Is needing someone else to be wrong the long, hard way to give me permission to like what I like?
And when I am pushing against you being wrong, am I really getting the chance to enjoy what I like?
Couldn't I just like what I like, and skip the exhausting part of trying to make you be wrong, if you don't like it too?
If I really believed in what I liked, would it even matter if you believed or liked it too?

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Human Being and Then Doing

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 22
You have probably heard the saying, "We are human beings, not human doings."  I believe this saying is implying that my human 'doingingness' is meant to support my human 'beingness' -- meaning my actions are to support who I really am (WIRA), and not the other way around.

When I do life the other way around I end up choosing actions I may think I am suppose to be doing, 'ass-u-me-d' from the beliefs and actions of others around me.  From those actions I then try and make WIRA be in alignment with them.  For example, if I grew up believing/being told I should be a lawyer, I may DO the things necessary for that (i.e. go to law school, join a firm, be immersed in legal actions), and then I would need to feel/be like a lawyer (believe in the law, stand up for the rights of your clients, enjoy the legal process).  Which is all well and good unless WIRA is perhaps very creative (which may clash with the rigidness of our legal system), or loves numbers (which may clash with all the people work), or loves working with children or animals. 

When I try and make WIRA conform to what I am doing I am going to feel stressed, because although what I 'do' in life is flexible, WIRA is not -- because it is WHO I REALLY AM.  Being someone I am not has been referred to as "trying to fit a round peg into a square whole," or "being a fish out of water."

So, the better I know and understand WIRA, the better I am equipped to pick those beliefs and actions that are going to be the most honest expression of Me.  And when what I am doing in life supports my human Beingness, we are ready to create great things together.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

A LOP Excerpt on Surrendering

"What is surrendering?  It is an essence that can also be referred to as letting go, allowing, going with the flow, forgiving, relaxing into something, or trusting the process.  It is releasing the resistance we create when we 'work hard' or worry about something.  It is giving up the need to control every last detail and it is about life becoming more peaceful, simple, and fun. It is common to feel like 'everything's going your way' when you surrender the destructive need to control.  It  is a tool that can be used either to assist in remaining on the upward spiral or to move from the downward to the upward spiral."

A Case for a Life of the Un-busy

When I was looking up another Einstein quote for a workshop, I came across this one that feels so perfect for us in our 'busy' times.

"The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind."


An Out of Alignment Ripple

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 20th
Yesterday I started my day out of alignment with who I really am (WIRA).  I felt a bit like I was rushing or pushing into my day.  One of the first things I focused on in the morning was a receipt from the day before, and there was an item on it I did not recognize.  I checked and rechecked the items I had bought and I concluded that a mistake had been made, and I would have to go back to the store.  This (matched) increased my earlier feeling of rush and push by adding another thing I wanted to accomplish during the day.

The woman who assisted me at the store didn't know what the item was either.  She gave me the benefit of the doubt and refunded my money, and away I went on to the next thing to do.  Later, while I was working out (taking some time for me, being more in the now, releasing some push and rush), it dawned on me what the item could have been.  When I checked the receipt, yet again, sure enough, it was apparent that all had been correct in the first place.  To be WIRA, I then made a trip back to the store and refunded the refund.

When I am out of alignment with WIRA, even a bit, I don't have the mind to figure things out, the eyes to see my answers, or the clarity to make good decisions.  And this was just about a small purchase.  Imagine the out of alignment ripples I could create in my life by making decisions about family or friends, careers or finances, health or happiness, or even just a larger purchase, if I am making them out of alignment with WIRA.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

A 'Miracle'

A miracle, as defined by Marianne Williamson in A Return to Love is, "a release from internal bondage" (page 71),  through "a shift in perception" (page 9). 

That makes a miracle the releasing of any worry, and fear, and guilt I might carry.  It is the letting go of the losses and mistakes that might have happened.  It would be the laying down of the judgments and criticisms that are oh so heavy. 

That makes a miracle the seeing and honoring of those things I love.  It makes it the chosing of the thoughts and ideas that make my heart sing.  It makes it the looking through the eyes of appreciation at whatever the day may bring.

A miracle is: a release of the things I tell myself that aren't true about me; my change in perception so I see through the eyes of who I really am.

A Christmas Story

Posted to facebook Dec. 18th
As Christmas draws near I am reminded of my first Christmas away from home, many years ago, in Sydney Australia.  I had been living and travelling in Australia for seven months, usually with a few other people, however, as we settled in Sydney for Christmas, many went their own ways to spend it with family and friends.  I ended up with no real plans for Christmas day except a general invitation from a few others I didn't really know, from the hostel I was staying at, to join them on Bronte Beach.

This Christmas was not only away from family and friends, but it was away from all my usual experiences of decorations, and shopping, and shorter days, and snow.  There was really nothing about this experience that was feeling like my usual Christmases.  I did what I could, I wrote a bushel of Christmas cards to family and friends, I went and bought myself an extravagant treat of Kahlua and smoked oysters, but I was still feeling a bit of a hole where Christmas would be, and I wasn't sure how to fill it.

I set off Christmas morning, to join the others on Bronte beach, not because I really wanted to spend time with them, but because I didn't know what else to do.  As I made my way towards the train station, I could hear and feel that there were footsteps coming up behind me.  As they passed me, I looked up into the friendly face of a young guy who said hello and wished me a Merry Christmas.  I returned the wish, and as I spoke he realized I was not from Australia, which started a conversation.  In the brief, but oh so real, conversation that followed we identified that we were both away from home for the first time, and what that was like for us.

It was a sharing that lasted about one and half blocks, and a life time.  The connection had as much depth and closeness as relationships that have built over years.  We came to the point where we started to head in our own directions.  He stopped, walked back and kissed me, wished me 'Merry Christmas' again, and then we carried on our ways.  We both knew that whatever had transpired between us was a Christmas 'Gift'.  It was the true meaning of Christmas.  It wasn't the snow, or family and friends, or presents, or turkey dinner, that made Christmas, it was an opening, sharing, and connecting of one heart with another.  It may not seem like much on paper, but it was enough of a LOP moment for me to be remembering, and sharing it as a Christmas story, 23 years later.

Wishing you an open, connecting, LOP Christmas, that leaves footprints in your heart for years to come.

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Greatness Just Is

The Backside of Mt. Robson
British Columbia, Canada

The Perfect Balance

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 15th
The hundreds of hours I have spent with people in programs has made a believer out of me.  On some days, as I have had the honor to sit and watch participants come alive as they shared their uniqueness, and interests, and abilities, I have held back tears of appreciation, for who they really are, and in the realization that a Perfect balance exists.  Within the variety of all of our desires and abilities, and the willingness to allow ourselves to be who we really are, I believe there exists an amazing experience of our world functioning as a well oiled machine.

When we explore who we really are, we become aware of, and more involved in, the things we love.  We realize we enjoy things that others do not.  We may find we have a natural interest in certain topics, while others seem enthralled in things with which we could not care less.  We may find that what some people love, or what they are good at, is really obvious, while most others have to dig a little deeper to uncover their geniusness.  For some of us our area of expertise has not even been invented yet, because that is what we are here to do.  Some of us do what others are doing, but are doing it differently abled with perhaps one arm instead of two, or a difference in what we call I.Q.  We may be better at something just because our minds naturally learn, and function in a unique way.  The balance we bring may because we look different, or act different, or see things differently.  No ones' ability lesser than another, no ones' contributions smaller than the next.

I believe a natural balance in our homes, our communities, our countries, our world is possible when we all are being who we really are.  As we listen to and follow our inspirations, and have faith in ourselves, and each other, and we take one little step at a time, I believe we are contributing to a balance that is oh so fine.  And then one day, we can look back and say,"Oh funny I was, trying to be you."

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I'm Your Girl

There is the saying that, "We teach what we most want to learn," and I know I go on endlessly about LOP because it is what I most want to practice.  Some people love to play hockey, some like to sew, some like to perfect their ability to dance, I just love to 'know'.  And I realize that 99.9% of people are not as interested in the excavating and poking around into who we really are, as what I am, but when and if you're ever interested -- I'm Your Girl!

No On-Off Button

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 14th
LOP is not an on-off button that we can flick back on, like a circuit breaker, when we catch ourselves a bit off the track.  With that said, there are situations in my life that I have visited over and over again, that when I find myself there again, I am able to remember who I really am fairly easily.  It may be so easy that it may seem like an on-off switch, that I can flick on and I am back on track.  But the reason those feel as easy as an on-off switch is because I have already been practicing LOP in those situations and I have become pretty good at remembering who I really am.

However, as I go through life, I am going to find myself in new situations and circumstances, where I may not be as clear about how to express who I really am (WIRA).  Or, I may find myself in a situation where I have some well ingrained habitual ways of being (like around family or coworkers), but I know I am not being WIRA because of the way I feel. These situations are fantastic opportunities to discover more of WIRA.

When I can feel I am a bit off WIRA, but I'm not too sure what would be a truer expression of Me, I may have a little excavating, a little poking around to do.  I am not talking about heavy analysis, or beating myself up for getting off track, or dwelling on the downward spiral of what happened.  I am talking about using this situation to my benefit to feel around for the thoughts, words, and actions that feel a little better, that are a truer expression of Me. 

We know when we are realizing our truth of a situation.  When we hit on it, it goes, "Bing!  That's it."  We can feel our energy flow again, and we are excited about the door that has just been opened, and resistance we might have had regarding the situation begins to feel more like peace.  And then the next time we are in that situation we can take our new found "Bing!" and give it a whirl.

And as I go through all of this, to know it is not about getting it perfect, getting it done, or figuring it all out.  This is about LOP, a gradual unfolding, as best I can in each moment, because this adventure called Life is ohhhhh so good!

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

We Are All Right

As I sat in grade one with my assignment to color the clown's balloon blue, I asked myself, "Is the color blue that I see the same as the color blue you see?"  Actually my eyes are not seeing the color blue, my brain is interpreting the light waves, sent from my eyes, into what I have learned to call blue.  Knowing this concept perhaps opens the door for the possibility of no one needing to be wrong for me to be right; for us all to be right.

How many wars, family fights, differing government parties, lawsuits, contracts have there been because we have felt there can only be one truth, or one way to interpret something.  If you do not agree with me, does it mean one of us must be wrong, or does it mean there is more than one perspective?

I was recently informed that the tally of people on planet earth has reached seven billion.  Because each one of us comes with our own interpretation system, our brains, and it is the brain that interprets the data from our senses, we can surmise that there are most likely seven billion truths about everything.  Seven billion truths about the color blue.  Seven billion truths about what tastes good.  Seven billion truths about how to live.  Seven billion truths about what is true.  Granted, some of the seven billion interpretations will seem to be almost identical because of cultural, educational, and familial experiences, but my honest interpretation and expression of something will always contain my fingerprint.

Our differences are not our wrongness they are our uniqueness.  They are our contribution to the rest of us.  They are us remembering, believing in, and expressing our truth out into the world.  And no one else's truth needs to be wrong for mine to be right.

When I surrender the belief that we need to be the same, I can allow who I really am to be right -- I can hear everyone and their truths because, we are all right.

Not Too Soon or Too Late

I love 'ah has', those moments of clarity that pop up when I get something, or see something, for the first time, or in a new way.  Sometimes after an 'ah ha' I can wonder, "How did I not see that before?"  Or, sometimes when someone is sharing with us something that was an 'ah ha' for them, we may think it is quite ordinary, or a bit boring, because we have already had that one before.

I have had the 'ah ha' that we all have our 'ah has' in the perfect moment.  Not a moment too soon, and not a moment too late; that's how they are 'ah has'.  In the midst of all that I have experienced, and all that I have asked, at the moment that I am most ready to hear and see it in this revealing new way, I open.  And that which was waiting for me, shines clear and bright -- not a moment sooner than what I was ready, and it not being 'deprived' from me a second beyond my readiness -- not a moment too soon, not a moment too late.

Who's Driving Your Bus?

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 13th
I catch myself sometimes allowing other things in my life to be in the driver's seat.  Like when I check the clock to see if I want to eat, or planning my week around the weather channel.  The clock and the weather channel can be tools to assist me in LOP, but sometimes I think we just hand the steering wheel over and let something else drive our life.  So I have to ask myself, who is serving whom?

Technology has introduced so many ways to connect with people, places and things, right here in my lap, right this minute, that it can be easy to be swept up in it.  When the phone rings most of us stop what we are doing and allow that to become the priority.  Our email and smart phones deliver messages to us all day long, easily making what someone else is wanting, or saying, or doing, more important than what I am wanting, saying, or doing.  These tools of technology are incredibly fun, fascinating, and convenient.  All I am asking is, who is serving whom?

I love taking photos, and when we go on holidays or are attending occasions I love playing with my camera, seeing what I can create and capture.  However, when I am thinking about focusing and apertures and zooming and composing, I can miss the moment of what the photo was about in the first place.  There is a balance I need to create so that I remember who is serving whom.

Our homes serve us with shelter and comfort and are a place to keep all our stuff, however, they can become a source of constant fixing, improving, upgrading, and updating.  Sometimes I can allow the details of home owning to become more important than my own priorities -- then who is serving whom?

Money, the tool created so we are not carrying chickens around for trade, has increased our ease, and created whole industries in our lives, however, sometimes I catch myself serving money versus it serving me.  When I pull back my dream or vision of what I want, because I don't know how I would get the money, I am letting money drive the bus.  When I have judgements and opinions about myself because I have less money than what I think I should have, I am letting money drive the bus.  When I hold back and be or give less than what I want because of my fear of lack of money, the money is driving the bus.  Money is a great invention, we all want it, most of us require it to exist where we live -- and it is suppose to be serving me.

Our friends and family are important to us, many of us are willing to help others whenever we can.  However, some of us, sometimes, get caught up in the pleasing of others before taking care of ourselves.  Others' priorities and desires can become more important than our own.  And, often this is a tough one to hear, and catch, because we have been taught that is best to put the needs of others before our own.  However, the old airplane example of putting your own oxygen mask on first, before helping someone else, reminds us of who we are to be serving first.

Not for a moment do I want to rid ourselves of, or limit the use of any of the creations that seem to be appearing daily in our world.  I just want to remember who is in charge of driving my bus, and who is to be serving whom.

Monday, 12 December 2011

To Do or Not To Do Lists

I come from a strong heritage of making 'to do lists' to help create order and peace in my life.  'To do lists' are great because I can easily see what I want to get done.  And, 'to do lists' can be not so great because I can easily see what I want to get done."

Did you have to go back and read that a second time?  Yes it is the same sentence.  So how can the same thing be both not great and great?

Well, one is done from obligation, and one from excited anticipation.
One is filled with others' priorities, and one is full of mine.
One has the feeling of 'I should', the other a feeling of 'I get to.'
One is not in alignment with who I really am (WIRA), the other is in alignment with WIRA.
One is used to rush, the other is used to relax.
One is pushing things into being, the other is allowing them to unfold.
One will get things done, the other will make things a success.
With one, people don't really want to join in, the other they are signing up fast.
One is experienced as stressful, the other is experienced as easy.
And, of course, one isn't LOP, and the other one is.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Love Yourself and Your Neighbour

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 9th
Leviticus Chapter 19 Verse 18 says, ". . . love thy neighbour as thyself. . ."  Lou Tice speculates, "Maybe that's our problem!"  Maybe we don't like ourselves very much.

Maybe I judge and criticize people, because I judge and criticize myself.
Maybe I don't give others a break, because I don't allow myself a break.
Maybe I easily find faults in others, because I so easily see the faults in myself.
Perhaps I expect so much from others, because I have very high expectations for myself.
Maybe I become irritated and frustrated with others, because I am frustrated with myself.
Could it be that I want others to be different, because I wish I were different myself?
Maybe I fear others, because I am so sad myself.
Perhaps I blame others, because actually, I blame myself.
Perhaps I am impatient with others, because I can be so *#!%^*# impatient with myself.
Maybe I have been hard on others, when I am being most hard on myself.
Perhaps I don't like others because I really don't like myself.

Maybe if I chose to give one person the benefit of the doubt today, I could do the same for myself.
Maybe if I found something to appreciate about another, I could find one to appreciate about myself.
It's possible, if I laughed with someone else today, I could laugh a bit more at myself.
Maybe if I gave out smiles today, I'd find more coming back to myself.
If I am use to giving others a mile, maybe I could at least give an inch to myself.

If I were willing to put down the stick that I picked up so many years ago, maybe I'd see I'm not so bad after all.
Maybe if I took a minute to appreciate my life, I'd find other things to appreciate as well.
If my 'mistakes' could be opportunities, perhaps others' mistakes are for them too.
Maybe if I acknowledged all that I have done, I could see the potential in others too.
Perhaps if I gave myself some room to explore, I'd give leeway to others as well.
Maybe if I forgave myself, I'd be willing to say, "I am now letting you go, too."
If I'd let go of those untruths, perhaps the truth of what has always been there, would shine brightly through.
Maybe if I trust myself, I'll have more faith in you.
If I found more peace in this moment, maybe I'd see you with eyes of peace too.
If I knew who I really was, I'd then probably know the real you.

Maybe if I loved me, just a wee bit more, maybe you'd feel the benefits too.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Terrible Ideas

I recently re-watched the movie, "Under the Tuscan Sun",  a light hearted story about, if you believe, it will come.

In one scene, the main character dismisses an idea by calling it 'terrible'.  The fun response of the person listening is, "Terrible ideas -- don't you just love them!"

In just one sentence, turning my feeling of fear, regarding something I want but don't think I should allow myself to have, into something exciting, -- don't you just love it!

Play First

There is a school sign in our neighborhood that says, "Put first things first.  Work then play."  I know this is the moral/responsible/hard working belief system that many espouse, but I am going to suggest an alternative.

Play first, and then work does not feel like 'work'.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." --  Confucius

It's Up To Me

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 8th
Unlike paying our bills, cleaning our homes, teaching our children, building our roads, providing our food -- no one can LOP for me.  That can be a scary thought.  I might wish I could hand the responsibility of my happiness and purposeful life over to someone who I think might be more qualified or experienced.  But really there is not a more powerful feeling than to know I am in control of, and the creator of, my experience.

To feel the unshakable peace with the knowing that my 'secuirty' comes from my belief in Me(God/the well-being/the laws of the Universe/etc.).
To realize the choice of freedom that is available in every moment.
To embrace that my now is packed full with everything that I need.
To honor the vision of what I love, and the inspirations that are expressions of Me.
To love unconditionally because I need nothing in return.
Oh the power of Me.

So step up and jump on.  It is just one deliberate moment after another.
You can do it.  You were born to do it.  You are going to love it -- I promise.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Joy and Peace

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 7
As a child in Sunday School our teacher taught us a song that went like this:
"I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart.
I've got joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart, down in my heart to stay.
I've got the peace that passeth understanding down in my heart, down in my heart, down in my heart.
I've got the peace that passeth understanding down in my heart, down in my heart to stay."
What a great affirmation!

As a child I liked singing the song because it was fun, and light hearted, and up beat, and it felt good.  It is only recently that I appreciate the brillance of it.  To know that in my heart, at the basis of my existence, is joy and a peace that surpasses my understanding, is definitely LOP.

To have a 'joy down in my heart to stay,' seems to say, "Know that who you really are is joy."  I am not worry, or anger, or fear, or frustration -- I am Joy.  And the peace that passes all understanding is not peace as in the opposite of war, or the peace as in 'peace and quiet.'  The 'peace that passes understanding' feels like a calm . . . still . . . knowing . . . standing solid and unwaivering at the core of who I am.

All that, wrapped up in a punchy little tune, sung with exuberance, and little smiling faces.

Thanks Mom, for teaching me.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

It's Enough

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 6th
A couple weeks ago, as I sat reading something that I found very stimulating, I acknowledged to myself how much I really enjoyed just sitting there and reading and thinking.  As I allowed myself to bask in a deeper than usual appreciation for just sitting and reading and thinking, the words tumbled through my mind, " it's enough."  It's like, before that, a part of me had not valued it, was limiting my time for it, felt it was a squandering of time.  A wave of relief and joy followed with the profoundness of the ease and simplicity of the idea, 'this is what I love to do, and it's enough.'

And when I say enough, I am not meaning it is mediocre.  I am saying I don't need to push, strive, control, worry about, or connive it into anything more than what it is.  It is complete, divine, Perfection as it is.

We may have beliefs like:  this is a waste of time; you can't just spend your life doing what you enjoy; it's lazy to only do what you love; you have to earn that kind of enjoyment; you can't pay the bills just enjoying yourself; no pain no gain; I don't deserve that kind of freedom and pleasure; I have to justify this somehow.  These thoughts are all saying the same thing -- who I am and what I love are not enough.  They do not support me in remembering, believing in, and expressing who I really am.

If I am wanting to support myself in LOP, being WIRA, then I want to support that which I naturally gravitate towards.  So instead of saying the above comments to myself, I can reassure myself by reminding me that . . .
Looking out my window at the birds is enough.
Sharing this with you is enough.
Spending a moment connecting with someone is enough.
Watching a good movie is enough.
Making that inspired phone call is enough.
Saying yes is enough.
Pursuing that hobby is enough.
Going back to school is enough.
Reading this book is enough.
Starting my own business is enough.
Painting this picture is enough.
Loving this person is enough.
I am enough.
 . . . because if I know it is enough, it will be more than enough.

Monday, 5 December 2011

'Self-Help' This!

Is it just me or has everyone gone on a ‘self-help’ binge?  It seems that we are completely surrounded.  There are people wanting to help us when we turn on our T.V., or open up a newspaper.  I catch myself cringing when I see another “Make Your Life Better in 10 Easy Steps” headline sitting in the magazine stand.  The bookstore self-help section, I am sure, has a growth hormone that just can’t be healthy.   There are speakers coming to town to fix ‘this’ about us, and workshops that will change ‘that’.  There are stores selling items that resemble the elixirs from the traveling salesmen of the good ol’ days.  There are theories, methodologies, practices, and doctors that do stuff I have a hard time pronouncing never mind understanding what they do or how they are supposed to help me.  And yet, for some strange reason, we make ourselves stop and take notice because maybe this one will have our answers. 

To read the rest of this article click on the link to my website and scroll down to the title: 'Self-Help' This!


Oh To Know

Oh to release myself from the bonds of 'reality'.
Oh to know that the sunny day does not create my sunny mood, but that I create my sunny mood through appreciation of the sunny day.
Oh to know that to appreciate something I need not own, or possess, or repeat it incessantly.
Oh to know that I am not responsible for the well-being of one other, the species, the world, but only for my own peace.
Oh to know that as much as I want to control what is outside of me, it is not mine to control.
Oh to know that the unconditional love I seek is my own.
Oh to know that the earth will continue to spin on its course with perfection with or without me.
Oh to know that my joy is mine and mine alone to create.
Oh to know that the pleasure of food tantalizing my taste buds, beauty beheld with my eyes, sounds that sing to my ears, aromas that whisk me away, or a touch that comforts the soul, will always only equal my ability to appreciate.
Oh to know that the gifts that are given to one are available for us all.
Oh to know that the perfection lies in the cycles, the ups and downs, the beauty and the beast, the heaven and the hell, and that the cycles are Perfect.
Oh to know that what I thought was so important, is really not so much.
Oh to know that I am all powerful, and that that power lies within.
Oh to know who I really am, and be in love with it all.

LOP At Christmas

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 5
The holiday season is upon us and the festivities, and gatherings, and preparations have begun.  This time of year, for many, means there are more things on the 'To Do' list than usual.  There's the shopping, and decorating, and baking, and writing to all those with whom we keep in touch.  There are work celebrations, and church festivities, travelling to gather with friends and families, and special activities at your local everything.  All of them not meant to feel obligatory, but sometimes . . .

This is a great time for practicing LOP, to listen honestly to what I want to be participating in and and where I want to be spending my energy.  This is a season of joy and celebration, of love, peace, and appreciation.  To do any of the preparations or activities from a place of frustration, resentment, or stress is not only not LOP, isn't it defeating, and an immense contradiction of, the whole idea?

I noticed this year that some of my usual Christmas activities are not feeling as joy filled.  It can be challenging to let them go because of tradition, or others' expectations, or just because everyone else is doing it.  But, doing what you have always done, leaves you in the same place as you were last year, and the year before, and sometimes the decade and generation before.  Listening to what is inspired might mean letting go of some things this year, but it may also mean you've made room for something new.  Sometimes the joy and love and spirit of the holiday season can most easily squeak through the cracks of the unexpected, the unplanned, and the unusual.

Ahhhh, Christmas, the perfect time and opportunity to be LOP.  A time to listen honestly to who we really are, to lovingly say "no thank you" to the rest, and to consciously allow the joy of the season to fill our hearts.

With Immense Appreciation -- Merry Christmas Everybody!

Friday, 2 December 2011

You Are A Star

You are a star on this world stage,
Your talents and existence are vital.
The secret is for you to be you, while I be me, and all others be them.
And then heaven on earth has arrived.

Excerpt from, Living On Purpose: Life Beyond Mediocrity

Not Interested In WIRA

The journey from depression to LOP has included many changes in what I believe and how I be.  And that adventure, when I am LOP, never ends.  Those who have known me for a long time have been around for those changes, but they may not be interested in them.

As one begins to LOP it is only natural to want to include those who are important to us in the journey.  I want to share who I really am (WIRA), not only because I am excited about the journey, but because the more you know and understand WIRA, the more connected and fulfilling our relationship can be.  When we get past the surface details of life, there is a treasure chest of beliefs and desires and inspirations and knowing to share with one another -- however, not every one will be ready to go there, and there is nothing wrong with that either.

Friends and family may not be as excited about your journey as you are.  They may not even want to hear about it.  When you try and share eyes may roll, resistance may come up, your exuberance may feel confusing and questionable.  When we are excited about something, we sometimes tend to come across aggresively, or superiorly, and that won't feel good for them.  We may feel, "If they really cared about me they would ask and be interested in what is going on for me."  It may feel like they are trying to quash my new found knowing of Me, and that won't feel good for me.

My response in these situations has become one of remaining silent, as best I can, until there is an enquiry -- realizing they may never want to know.  As I have relaxed into these relationships as they are, I have found that a few different things start to take place.  I find other things on which to focus with those who are really important to me.  Some people have just drifted out of my experience because there is no longer a meaningful connection.  As I remain committed to my truth, others who are of like mind, are showing up in my life.  And those with whom I have not yet found my peace, remain in my life until I do.

So, all is well.  There's no one to convince, no one has to know WIRA.  As well, there's nothing for me to hold back or deny.  It is just the envitable journey of change as we all move forward at our own pace with remembering, believing in, and expressing who we really are.

Honoring Priorities

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 2nd
How well did you honor your priorities today?

I know my best days are when I have honored my priorities, stayed in alignment with who I really am (WIRA).  It's how I say to myself, "I believe in, and trust me."  When I honor my priorities, I am honoring me.  But how do I know when I have been focusing on my priorities and not something I've assumed is a priority? 

It can be tricky because over the years I have heard a lot about what is suppose to be important to me from well meaning, friends, family, teachers, media, and various professionals.  My priorities are not necessarily what others are expecting, they are not my to do list, they are not this seasons latest trends, they are not even your boss' priorities.  And chances are your priorities are not the actions of your daily routine, where you spend most of your time.

So what are your priorities?  Perhaps they are something you have been putting off doing until you retire, go on holidays, or when the kids leave home.  Perhaps it is what you are promising yourself you will do once you finish the daily chores (which never happens).  Maybe your priority is to simply find a quiet place and be by yourself.  Maybe your priority is an idea that gets your attention once in a while, but you keep dismissing it as silly.  Maybe a priority is simply to feel more connected to the people and life you already have.  Maybe your priority is less about the 'what', and more about the 'how'.  Maybe your priority is just to be curious about what are your priorities? 

Over the years, as I have honestly reflected upon what really matters to me, my priorities have changed.  Here are what some of my priorities are to date: quality over quantity; being as present in this moment as I can possibly be; being honest with myself and others; exercising my body a few times a week; surrendering; taking the time to stimulate my mind; acknowledging inspirations in the moment that they occur, and trusting them enough to follow them; remembering we all want to feel good; appreciating everyone that stands in front of me as best I can; reading; following the ebb and flow of life; including the foods that my body enjoys; writing; taking the time to remember and connect with who I really am.

Those are mine; by tomorrow they may be different.  There is no right or wrong when it comes to what is important to you. What are your priorities?

Thursday, 1 December 2011

I Am . . .

I am breathing deeply, relaxing completely,
Tingling with the knowing that all is well.
I am swept up into the beauty of a moment,
Seeing the usual with fresh eyes.
I am allowing the fulfillment of a moment to overflow as tears,
Surrendering to the intelligence of every cell.
I am witness to the most perfect unfolding,
Loving for no reason,
Feeling the wealth of the world,
Seeing the future as now.
I am basking in the warm embrace of sunshine,
Comprehending the incomprehensibly vast Universe,
I am feeling the miniscule-ness and profoundness of each minute,  
Believing in me, believing in you,
I am shining brightly,
Laughing loudly,
Infusing each moment with appreciation and grace.
I am all this, and so much more,
Because I am remembering who I really am.

It's Nicer

Posted to FaceBook Dec. 1st.
It's nice to be rich, meaning having a full bank account.  But, it is even nicer to feel affluent, meaning being like Ted Turner and knowing, "the world is awash in money."  One is something we are trying to fill ourselves up with, the other is something we are full of that spills out into our reality.

It is nice to be loved; it is even nicer to love.
It is nice to have the right to liberty; it is even nicer to be free.
It is nice to win; it is even nicer to know I am a winner.
It is nice to receive compliments on a job well done; it is even nicer to be confident in my job well done.
It is nice to get a clean bill of health from the doctor; it is even nicer to feel vital and know that I am well.
It is nice to get suggestions from others; it is even nicer to be inspired with ideas.
It is nice to accomplish things in life; it is even nicer to know I am able.
It is nice to compromise; it is even nicer to create win-win situations.
It is nice to be good looking; it is even nicer to shine.
It is nice to own things; it is even nicer to appreciate them.
It is nice to be smart; it is even nicer to be your genius self.
It is nice to talk with someone; it is even nicer to 'hear' them.
It is nice to have goals; it is even nicer to have a vision.
It is nice to live a good life; it is even nicer to live a life on purpose.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011


Faith -- belief without proof or evidence, is also referred to as trusting.  It's a big topic, prevalent in religion and relationships throughout the centuries.   It appears world wide, in some form or another, in every culture.  It seems to be an integral part of who we are to have faith in something whether it be our God, our senses, our bosses, our spouses, our children, our science, our governments, or each other.

It also has become the source of pain in many a movie or novel.  We demonstrate our lack of faith with having pages and pages of contracts for the littlest things.  Bylaws, rules, and legislation are written with the essence of mistrust woven in between the lines, instead of a declaration of clarity and faith.  Today's usage of the word often seems to have the underlying essence, "I am trusting you to not hurt me," which is a 180 degree turn from the 'belief without evidence,' definition.

Belief without proof is not about trusting others to be a certain way so that I get what I want.  It is not about putting my power in someone else's hands.  It is not about believing in something as long as I can measure it, touch it, witness behaviours in support of it.  Faith is not accompanied by the essence of fear, hoping something does not happen.

Belief without evidence means, I choose to believe in this thing without anything on which to base my belief. It means I believe in something so completely I need not one other thing to be a certain way.  It means that without anything in my physical reality to give me hope, I know this is true for me.  That kind of faith fills me with power, energy, confidence, clarity, and from that place my allowing and believing in others expands. 

This kind of faith is grounded in me.  Not because I am perfect, or that I know everything, or that I'm at the top of my field.  This kind of faith is grounded in my belief that I can handle it, whatever it is.  I don't need to hold back, or be afraid.  I know that I will do my best and my best is good enough.  That kind of faith is based in, 'I am choosing to trust me.'  If I fall down, all I have to do is get back up again. 

From that faith, rooted in me, and knowing that I can handle it, I am now in a place to have faith in other things.  I can have faith in others as in 'I know others are doing the best they know how.'  It may not be what I want, or how I want it, but I can always trust them to do and be the best that they can in this moment.  If they are lying and cheating and robbing it is because that is the best that they can do right now, and it doesn't really matter, because I trust myself and I can handle this situation.

From a faith rooted in me I can have faith in the natural order of evolution, and that we are never devolving no matter what the world's state of affairs seem.  I can have faith in mother nature and her incredible intricate system of balance, even if I don't understand it.  I can have faith that everyone wants to feel good even if many of them appear afraid.  I can have faith in our 'geniusness', because I have faith that no one can be you as well as you.  I can have faith in the idea that there is nothing serious going on here.  I can have faith in the idea that all of this is here for my benefit of exploration, evolution, and continued expression of who I  really am.

What do you have faith in?

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Free to Fly

A couple of years ago I began to realize how important the essence of freedom, to allow myself to fly, is for me.  It is important because it is who I really am. 

I realized, at that time, that I had been resisting things that got in the way of my perceived freedom.  My belief was that once I got everything under 'control', taken care of, handled, then I would be able to do what I wanted to do.  Controlling things was the way, or so I thought, of creating freedom.

Well, there was a big flaw in my method, because based on the law of attraction, the vibration/intention/habit/essence of control will create more to control (that’s the last thing I wanted), not a feeling of freedom.  The essence of freedom, the acting free, the feeling free, the making the choice to be free, creates more freedom in my experiences with people, situations, and things. 

I can’t control my way to freedom any more than I can war myself to peace, scrimp my way to abundance, suffer my way to happiness, complain my way to appreciation, justify my way to worthiness, victimize my way to power, brag my way to self-confidence, struggle my way to ease, or sacrifice my way to upliftment. 

If I want to feel free I want to relax my way to freedom, laugh my way to freedom, surrender my way to freedom, forgive my way to freedom, "let go and let God" my way to freedom.  If I want to feel free I want to stop being who I am not, and be who I really am -- free to fly.

Is This All There Is?

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 29th
The other day someone said they were experiencing the sensation, "Is that all there is?"

I too have had that experience.  It has come in my life when everything is up and running quite nicely, no real troubles or worries.  It comes when I am in a place where all the 'regular' desires one strives for -- nice home, happy family, financial comfort, healthy body, managing the details of life -- have been achieved, but a feeling of being a bit bored with it all has appeared.  It has seemed like there is something missing.  I would say to myself, "Could this really be it, all there is to life?"  I know now there is a whole lot more.

It is because of this experience that the subtitle to "Living On Purpose" is "Life Beyond Mediocrity."  The experience of, 'Is This All There Is?' for me, was the mediocrity that LOP surpassed.

LOP is the culmination of the adventure, the excitement, the creative inspiration, the peace of knowing all is well, and the devine relationship with who I really am, that was missing when I was just living the general mediocre goals of norm.  Once I started to pay less attention to what others were saying I should want, and I started to focus more on what I honestly wanted, the journey beyond mediocity was unleashed.

At first what I thought I really wanted were bigger and better 'things.'  Since then I have noticed my hearts desire has continued to expand its depth, and not just its breadth, to wanting to increase my experience of the 'peace that passes understanding' and 'remembering, believeing in and expressing who I really am.'  But that is just me, and the great thing about going beyond mediocrity is that each journey is specially tailored to surprise and delight each person.

So is mediocrity all there is?  My heart tingles with excitement with those words, because the 'more' is going to knock your socks off.

Monday, 28 November 2011


Posted to FaceBook Nov. 28th
Sometimes I may have trouble hearing who I really am.
Sometimes I might need to hear a voice outside of me instead of my own thoughts.
Sometimes I may want someone to just listen to me as I find the words I want to share.
Sometimes I desire a sounding board to reflect back to me what I am saying.
Sometimes I may want some new/fresh/unbiased perspectives.
Sometimes I just require someone to hold a light while I find my way.
Sometimes I am looking for someone who knows me, to ask me some really brilliant questions.
Sometimes I am just looking for someone who is able to be unconditionally honest with me.
Sometimes I want assistance in pulling back the layers and getting to the clarity and knowing that is me.
Sometimes LOP is having a friend.

Friday, 25 November 2011

I Can't Decide, if I Am Not WIRA

Last night my bank processed some transactions incorrectly.  The person that I got when I phoned for assistance was giving me answers that were not only not helpful, but after asking her to explain it three times to me, the explanation that it was another bank's fault made no sense. 

I got off the phone frustrated (that is saying it nicely).  I was frustrated because the situation was not rectified, and I had really expected that they would agree it was their mistake -- it seemed obvious to me.  But perhaps most importantly, I was frustrated because I didn't understand the answer I was being given, and now I was confused and doubting myself.

Frustration, anger, confusion, lack of confidence, guilt can be deafening when trying to hear who you really are and what feels like the most inspired action.  From a confused and doubting place I couldn't decide if I wanted to phone the bank back and keep pushing for an answer that made sense, or cool off, calmly follow the advice of my bank, and call the other bank in the morning.  Of course I couldn't hear my answer, I was confused and doubting!  One action felt like pushing and controlling, the other felt like I was a door mat.  Neither of those are LOP.

My lucky husband walked in right at the end of that call.  I explained to him what had happened, and him agreeing with my interpretation of the circumstances built my confidence -- I was not stupid or missing something.  That felt better.  From that little bit better feeling place I then remembered the chapter, "Someone Will Say Yes," in the Relax Into Wealth, Alan Cohen book.  He shares an example where he kept calling and calling until he got the answer he wanted.  That idea felt even better.  I had elevated myself to a place where I now had a clearer question to ask.

With the assistance of my husband and Alan I regained confidence and clarity.  From that new place I could then begin to feel what was most in alignment in that moment.  I picked up the phone, I got someone different, all is well.

It was not a about trying to decide which action was the right action, it was about taking action from a place of confidence and clarity, who I really am.

We Share Uniqueness

I spent an hour watching a talk from a well known speaker on healing from the soul instead of the ego.  Basically, I would agree with everything she is saying, however, I certainly would say it differently.  We all would.  There in lies the value of each of us. 

We can all be doing the same thing from our own voice and it will be a unique expression.  Only you can do you and only I can do me.  And isn’t it interesting to see how someone else is doing the same thing differently?  Well, sometimes we may think not.  Sometimes we really want others to do it just exactly the way we would do it.  Sometimes we want others to be exactly the same as us.  But do we really?

Imagine if all ice cream was vanilla, if all T.V. shows were "The Price is Right", if there was only one painting, one song, one kind of tree, or one kind of animal.  We may not readily admit it, but we love the differences, we thrive on differences.  And some of the most beautiful differences, that we are discovering, are the ones between you and me, as we express the uniqueness of who we really are.

Getting Into First Class

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 25th
Jerry Hicks taught us that, "You can't buy your way into first class."  Meaning, you can purchase the ticket, but that does not guarantee a first class experience.  I could get to my first class seat and find the host is having a really bad day, or my TV screen could be malfunctioning, or I could end up sick that day, or "there could be a mother changing a smelly diaper behind me."  The only way for me to have a first class experience is for me to show up already in the essence of first class.  That means to trust it, to know I deserve being there, to appreciate it, to have fun with it, without guilt for others who are not there, or the money I may have spent to get me there.

With that said, if it is true that you can't buy your way into first class, I then believe the opposite must also be true -- 'you don't have to buy your way into first class.'  We have probably all heard about someone who got upgraded to first class due to a lack of economy seats, you may even be one who has experienced it.  You didn't have to ask for it, or be special, or deserve it, or pay extra for it, it just happened -- some may feel like it was a miracle!  But perhaps an even bigger miracle might be when I allow myself to have a first class experience in economy. 

What if one day I get up from an economy flight and say to myself, "I don't know what it was about that flight, but that was fabulous.  I loved the people and the food and the scenery.  And I am so excited to be on my way to where I am going.  And everything went so smoothly, I just can't ever remember enjoying a flight that much -- I feel like I was flying in first class!"  And that would be because you were.

So perhaps an even more accurate statement would be, I can buy my way into a physical reality first class seat, but I can LOP my way into a first class experience anywhere.

Dedicated to Jerry Hicks, who is flying first class.  Thanks for everything and I'm looking forward to all that is to come.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Let's Be Like Our Pets

It is not often I talk about the physical aspects of LOP, not because its role in balancing ourselves is unimportant, but because there is already a wealth of information and support for people to access regarding exercise, nutrition, health, and the variety of modalities that work with the physical self. 

My focus has always been drawn to the less talked about areas of balancing the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of me, since those were the areas that I felt I lacked assistance with as I fumbled through my experience with depression.

With that said, today I am inspired to salute the joy of stretching our physical bodies.  I have a fairly lengthy stretching routine that I do when I am working out, and that may or may not be what interests others.  But perhaps, even more simply, I am referring to what we see our pets do. 

How often after our dog or cat has been sleeping or laying still for a period of time does s/he take a moment, as they rise, to S-T-R-E-T-C-H before they continue to move forth with what is next.  Not something they were taught, or trained to do, not something they feel they 'have to' do.  They just naturally take the few seconds to bask in the deliciousness of moving the physical body, to activate the muscles, to get the blood moving, and gently and gracefully move into whatever is next.

So quick.  So simple.  So invigorating.  So balancing.  So natural.  So LOPish.  So -- let's be like our pets.

Einstein Quote

There are many great quotes attributed to Einstein, for whom I have always had a shine.  One that I came across, that is perhaps less common says, “If at first the idea is not absurd then there is no hope for it.”  Once again, as mentioned in other posts, there seems to be the encouragement for us to not be 'normal' -- a repeating theme in remembering, believing in, and expressing who we really are. 

Because I can be so mesmerized, enmeshed , and involved with acceptable mediocrity, that the ideas/thoughts/perceptions that are who I really am can seem absurd at the first, second, or tenth glance.  So, if you are getting ideas that appear pretty mainstream, maybe you have just picked them up along the way from others and not from You.  Allow yourself the absurdity of who you really are.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Borg Were Right

The mantra of the Borg is, (if you are curious about this species, research 'Star Trek: The Next Generation') "Resistance is Futile."  Their implication is different from mine, however, I still love the saying.

I caught myself the other day trying to be right about resistance.  Someone was sharing something with me that they were resisting, and then in my own resistance I tried to correct them about their resistance.  Of course they could feel my resistance about their resistance and they resisted that.  Well, I could keep going, but you know how it unfolds.

It reminded me of the Biblical quote (I am changing the words a bit to suit my desires), "He who is without (judgement) cast the first stone."  Of course, if I were to be without judgement, and then make the choice to cast a stone, I have just judged and I can no longer say I am without judgement and cast the stone.  However, if I am no longer in judgement then I am able to cast a stone, however, then I would be back judging again and not able to cast the stone.  There is just no possible way to point the finger and be LOP.  If I really want to be LOP, resistance is futile.

It might be exactly what is happening with the Occupy parks -- but oh, there I have done it again.   : )

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

What If . . . ?

Posted to FaceBook Nov. 23rd
What if there was nothing left to struggle and suffer over?  What if the things I have resisted and hid from and pushed against just disappeared?  What if the heaviness that I have carried through my days was lifted?  What if those worries that hide in the back of my mind as an ongoing running subroutine, that I am not conscious of but that keep me from relaxing, what if those anchors were cut away?  What if I were completely freed to admit what it is I am wanting without the judgments of others?  What if I allowed myself the luxury to do the fun thing first instead of the chore?  What if I allowed myself to take in a deep breath of freedom, and exhale the weight of resistance?  What if I allowed myself to love without worry, play without penalties, embrace abundance without limitations?  What if the chains I carried were only my own?  What if the freedom I desired was already within, awaiting my arrival?  What if the struggle and suffering were an old habit ready to be shed, then what?  I would have remembered who I really am.

Live, Love, Laugh

Live, Love, Laugh!
Live Confidently, Love Big, Laugh Loud
Live Now, Love Freely, Laugh Long
Live simply, love unconditionally, laugh genuinely
Live like there is no tomorrow, love like there is no tomorrow, laugh like there is no tomorrow.
Live for now, love who is in front of you, laugh instead of cry.
Live like a child, love like a puppy, laugh like a clown
Live in this world not of it, love from your heart not your mind, laugh from your belly not your throat.
Live like the Italians, love like the French, laugh like the Canadians.
Live for today, love for you, laugh for the world
Live with intrigue, love with trust, laugh without a care
Live through the senses, love through the soul, laugh with the Universe
Live today, love tomorrow, laugh at yesterday
Live like Walt Disney, love like Don Juan, laugh like Goldie Hawn.
Live who you really are, love who you really are, laugh at who you really are.
Hands, Heart, Smile
Live, Love, Laugh!

Not the What, But the How

When I am feeling half a bubble off, not very connected with who I really am, it can be a good idea to turn to activities that have helped me connect in the past -- listening to uplifting audios, watching a good movie, go browsing at the local book store, have a cup of coffee, write in my journal, talk with someone, go for a walk or do some yoga.

However, sometimes when I go looking to past activities to take care of this moment, I end up not being very present in this moment.  I think that is why what has worked in the past does not work every time.  It is a constant reminder that my connection is not about the what, but about the how. 

My guidance is always now.  If I plow ahead looking to figure out and fix what is not feeling good, the essence of me in that moment is, "Something is wrong.  How it was before was better.  I don't know what else to do but to resort to what has worked before.  I am going to do this that has worked before until I feel better, whether it feels good right now or not."  That is not the essence of me LOP. 

Instead I probably want to be finding the essence that feels like, "I am in a new place here today.  I am O.K. with being here.  There is probably something I am ready to hear, feel, know.  I may end up doing things I have done in the past to feel better, and I might be on the verge of discovering something new.  I am open to the well-being that is who I really am.  I am open to whatever feels like the next best step.  Being quiet and listening is the best feeling next step in this moment and that is enough for me."

Monday, 21 November 2011

Perfection is Not perfect

I jokingly said to a friend, who was jokingly bragging he had never been in the ditch because of snowy, slippery road conditions, "If you've never been in the ditch you are not going fast enough."  There is also a saying that implies if you are not making mistakes in life you are not challenging yourself enough, (or something like that, if someone knows this quote please share).  The intention of my comment was, sometimes we are so determined not to make a mistake, or we are wanting to perform in such a perfect manner, that we end up holding ourselves back to a degree of life that we believe we can guarantee success all the time. 

I sometimes use the word perfect to imply doing something 100%, or without flaws.  And then I sometimes use the word Perfect to imply that the natural unfolding and consequences of every action and incident are Perfect because we are always on the journey of deciding what we don't want, so that we can then better choose what we do want, and be all of who we really are.  The Perfection of life is not in doing life perfectly -- that would lead us to no new decisions or clarity. The Perfection of life is allowing myself not to need to do everything perfectly.  It is to allow those instances of inspiration, to try something new, to stretch and challenge myself, and find that edge where I do make mistakes so I have the opportunity to grow into more.

So no, I was not suggestion that we should all drive recklessly in slippery road conditions and push ourselves beyond our comfort zones.  But, I was suggestion that we not ride the brake of life and hold ourselves back in fear of the 'ditches', because in those 'ditches' lies the Perfection we came to discover.

Behind It All is LOP

Posted on FaceBook Nov. 24th
Behind every cloudy day the sun is shining.
Behind every question there is an answer.
Behind every answer is a new question.
Behind every illness there is wellness.
Behind every painting, building, song, there was a vision.
Behind every cut there is healing.
Behind every argument there is forgiveness.
Behind every judgment there is clarity.
Behind every mistake there is a new decision.
Behind every winter there is a spring.
Behind every tree there is a seed.
Behind every seed there is a tree.
Behind every ‘crime’ there is the request for relief.
Behind every laugh is a tickle.
Behind every appreciation there is faith.
Behind every desire is its reality.
Behind every war there is peace.
Behind every insult there is a wanting to feel worthy.
Behind every learning there is expansion.
Behind every thought there is the thinker.
Behind every night there is a day.
Behind every no there is a new yes.
Behind every yes there is an opening.
Behind every resistance there is a ‘constipation’ of energy, behind every constipation there is pain, behind every pain there is a new decision, behind every new decision is who we really are.

The Mediocrity of Physical Reality

Posted to Facebook Nov. 21st.
A couple of years ago, while on my first cruise, I experienced the poignant, and in some ways disappointing concept that, by itself, physical 'reality' would never be enough.  I was spending my days in the best activities of workshops, whale watching, sun basking, exploring, being with like minded people, enjoying the decadence of beautiful four course meals -- every whim being attended to.  It was all great, and yet I was not feeling as fulfilled as some of my moments at home.  How could that be?

Well, I had been sloppy about my connection with who I really am.  I had unconsciously presumed that since I had paid for this environment that boasts taking care of everything for you, that I would automatically feel the joy and connection of LOP.  I was experiencing, in a vivid way, how living life from the outside in (wanting my outsides to make me happy) would never be enough.  

Without remembering who I really am, before I do anything, I will not enjoy it fully.  Without seeing through my eyes of appreciation, listening to who someone really is, speaking the words of who I really am I, and being fully present in each moment, I will continously feel like something is missing. 

There are so many fabulous things to enjoy in our physical reality world, whether I am cruising or in my daily routine, and I want to enjoy it all by bringing all of me to each and every 'party'.